Chapter 4 Collapse
"Nani? You bastard, you want me to go to eat chicken..." I didn't think too much about the boy's words, but became more and more annoyed, "It's definitely not a kiss! But since you are ghost fetuses, you don't have any magic power Ah, Yin power or something? Isn’t it little KS who eats meat?”

The baby boy looked helpless, "Currently, I only have the ability of perception. I can communicate with you and let you see us. I really don't have anything else! My sister's ability can't be used at will for the time being, so I can only rely on you! Mom mum……"

"What about after you are born?" I am very concerned about this question, I am afraid that two ghosts with evil spirits will be born, and the lives will be ruined...

"I don't know..." The baby girl pouted her pink mouth and fiddled with her fingers innocently.

The baby boy pursed his mouth and looked angry, "It's not as scary as Mommy thinks, stop talking nonsense, I want to eat chicken!"


I shook my head helplessly, ghost?It's really nothing to be afraid of.It's not about eating chicken!
I was about to poke my head around to see what was going on in the courtyard next door, when I realized that the old man was staring straight at me lying on the wall.

I was startled, and fell over all of a sudden, with my butt backwards in a flat sand and wild goose pose!

Seeing the old man walking towards me, I stood up in embarrassment and patted the dust off my body. "Uncle, uncle, I..."

At the same time, the image in my mind of the inside of my lower abdomen disappeared.

"Keqing? Xiao Keqing?" The old man seemed to know me.

I was taken aback, but I didn't feel strange, after all, this is my neighbor.Although, I don't remember him.

"I'm Uncle Wang, I didn't expect to see you again." Uncle Wang smiled kindly, but that smile made me feel a little uneasy.

"For so many years, I don't know where you have been." Uncle Wang glanced down at my body and continued. "I've grown up so much, I was so cute and beautiful when I was young."

"Uncle Wang..." I felt uncomfortable all over, so I forced a smile.

"Are you moving back here?" Uncle Wang stepped on his feet and looked in the yard of my house. Seeing that I was tidy, his smile widened. If you have no children, you are alone, if you have anything to do, just come to me..."

"Ah, good." I was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uneasy, and subconsciously touched my lower abdomen. The baby boy's perception...

"Your stomach..." Uncle Wang noticed the abnormality in my stomach.

"It's okay! I just ate too much recently, and my stomach is bloated!" I subconsciously defended, covering my lower abdomen with fat clothes. "Well, can, can I have a chicken?" I don't want to linger here any longer.

"You want..." Uncle Wang was stunned for a moment, but he agreed happily.

When I caught the chicken, I pretended to be delivering it to my home. I was startled, grabbed the chicken, thanked me, turned around and ran away.

When I got home, some memories about Uncle Wang gradually emerged in my mind. It was after the fire. The police said that on the night of the fire, my neighbor, Uncle Wang, came to my house as a guest, but he said he didn’t know about it...

Why does it feel so strange, the chest is so stuffy.My head hurts thinking about it...

"Go and kill the chicken!" The baby boy's roar suddenly came from the belly.

"Ah..." I just came back to my senses, and quickly got up and started to operate...

I have never killed before, and my hands are very rusty. In my impression, killing a chicken is to wipe the neck of the chicken and let the blood out. After fighting with the chicken for a long time, I was exhausted and finally won.

In the evening, after eating meat, the two little ghosts were finally satisfied.

I also felt a little full of food and a little tired. Although it was not dark yet, I closed the doors and windows and went back to the room to get ready to rest.

Lying down on the small bed, looking at the flickering candles on the bedside table, my eyes were dazzled, and I really wanted to fall asleep, but when I remembered that the child's father was a ghost, I was a little uneasy, and couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

I really want to see him, I want to know why he pesters me...

Although I am very afraid of him, I can confirm now that he will not hurt me for the time being, and what is in my stomach is a life-saving talisman.

A dazzling light refracted in from the window.

I was taken aback, is that the man?He got up quickly, opened a gap in the curtains, and looked out.At this moment, the sky is already dark...

A figure gradually walked towards the window in the darkness, holding a ball of light in his hand, I was so frightened that my whole body began to tremble, and I quickly covered the curtains and hid under the bed.

"It's sunny..."

Uncle Wang's voice came in from the window, and I was taken aback. It turned out that it was the old pervert who came with a flashlight, not the man, who was about to get out of bed to open the door but stopped.

"Uncle Wang, why are you here?" I slightly poked my head out of the bed and asked tentatively.Listen carefully, his footsteps are already approaching the door.

"Are you alone, aren't you afraid? Let me see if there's anything I can help, and I want to talk to you by the way..." Uncle Wang walked to the door of the room, bowed his waist slightly, and said softly.

"Don't be afraid, it's getting dark today, I'm going to rest too, you should rest earlier, I'll visit you again tomorrow..." I subconsciously wanted to send him away.

"It's only what time, I watched you grow up, don't go to bed so early, this old house has not been lived in for a long time, I often hear strange noises from here at night, I am afraid that you will encounter something strange by yourself, If you think about it, you can sleep at my side, besides my room, there is also a guest room..."

"No, thank you for your kindness. There won't be anything strange here. My parents won't scare me. Besides, there are no ghosts in the world, right?" I don't want to talk to him, and I feel more and more that sometimes people's hearts are scarier than ghosts.

Uncle Wang didn't make a sound for a long time. I thought he had left, but I was still a little uneasy because I didn't hear his leaving footsteps.

"It's really a ghost. Even if you are not afraid of your parents, your parents should not be the only ones who died here back then, and the fire shouldn't be the accident the police said..."

Uncle Wang's sudden words made me very curious. The police have always believed that the fire was an accident, and they never mentioned that there were other corpses.Although, I never want to pursue this matter, but subconsciously this matter has already become a knot in my heart.

I got out of bed and dressed, took the candle, went out of the room, and opened the door. "Uncle Wang came in and said."

"Hey..." Uncle Wang showed a happy expression, followed me into the small living room with a smile.

I put the candles on the dining table, pulled a chair for Uncle Wang to sit on, and I also pulled a worn-out bench to sit opposite Uncle Wang. "Sorry, there is no hot water, and there are no good drinks..."

"It doesn't matter, I have it at home. I'll bring it over next time, or you can just go over there to drink it. There are fewer residents in this area, and most of them have gone to the city. The houses here are waiting to be demolished."

"Ah..." I echoed softly, this made me even more uneasy, it reminded me what he wanted to do, I couldn't even call for help?I can't let him stay here any longer. After hesitating for two seconds, I looked at him with a smile, "You just said that not only my parents died in this house?" Although, I doubt the reliability of this sentence.

"Don't you remember?" Uncle Wang looked at me in surprise.

I smiled reluctantly, watching his eyes carefully.

"At that time, didn't you often play with a boy?" When he said this, there was a strange light in Uncle Wang's eyes.

I was at a loss, I really don't remember.But I didn't tell him about the amnesia. If I told him, he might make up something to scare me, in order to get me.

"Ah, I know you don't want to mention that. After all, you were still a young girl at the time, so why would you have the nerve to mention it." Uncle Wang showed a sinister smile, and subconsciously looked at my heart.

I was surprised and quickly wrapped my body with loose clothes. Although I dressed conservatively, it was summer after all. Except for the fat coat, there was only a long skirt with a large round neck inside, and my proud collarbone was exposed. in the air...

"I don't understand what you're talking about..." I was a little apprehensive, Uncle Wang looked as if he had witnessed something with his own eyes.

"I often lean on the wall and see that boy climb into your room through the window to play with you..." To prove that he witnessed it with his own eyes, Uncle Wang emphasized together.

"What?" My whole body was hairless, my face turned pale instantly, and I tried my best to retort, "How could I be that kind of girl!"

"As for whether it is or not, I don't know." Uncle Wang showed a strange smile, pulled the chair and approached me, and put his dark and dirty hand on mine.

I subconsciously withdrew my hand, stood up suddenly and took two steps back, "What are you doing, you are older than my parents." I tried to remind him of his last humanity.

"I even took a picture. If you want to see it, you can come to my house to see it. That boy is really handsome." Uncle Wang stood up and slowly approached me, breathing more and more quickly, as if he was about to pounce in the next second. When it came to me, "Your body is so beautiful, it should be even more beautiful now..." He couldn't help swallowing the saliva in his mouth.

I stepped back again and again, looking at him tremblingly, feeling more and more that what he said was true, but how old was I at that time, how could it be possible?What happened to that handsome boy?I had a headache thinking about it, and wanted to ask some more questions, but Uncle Wang had already rushed towards me. I dodged instinctively and ran to another corner of the living room...

"Uncle Wang, don't be like this..."

"Don't pretend, didn't you do everything when you were given money back then? I saw that boy give you money..." Uncle Wang showed a touch of contempt, and walked towards me again. "Now, I can also give it to you. As long as you stay with me, I will give you all my life savings, and the house is about to be demolished. Your shabby house is smaller than mine. Together, you can get a lot of money..." He The more I spoke, the more excited I became, as if I had been looking forward to saying these words for a long time.

"Nonsense, nonsense! Please get out!" I was so insulted by his words that I broke down. How could I sell myself for money?I don't believe everything he just said!
"Your photo is still in my hand, don't you want to take it back?" Uncle Wang's smile disappeared. At this moment, he lost his patience. He had imagined countless times to press the girl in front of him and play with him wantonly.He thought about it for many years, he thought that this life was useless, but he didn't expect that this girl came back, and he had no future or pursuit in this life, just such a wish!
Finally, Uncle Wang pushed me into the corner again. I pushed him away, desperately trying to run out, but the moment I ran to the door, my hair was grabbed by his big hand, and I was directly held back by him. Into my room, thrown on the crib.

"" I was completely terrified and regretted luring the wolf into the house.The two damned brats, if they hadn't insisted on eating chicken... they seem to be very capable, and they can perceive...

"I've said it all, there's no one around for ten miles." Uncle Wang smiled smugly, standing in front of me and staring at my body, his face was extremely disgusting and wretched.

I subconsciously retreated to the corner of the bed until there was nowhere to retreat. I curled up and hugged my knees and looked at him in horror. The peripheral vision from the corner of my eyes was wandering around, looking for a weapon that could deal with him. He grabbed me just now. Si's strength is obviously much higher than mine. Although he is not young, I am powerless in front of him.

But what you can touch with your hand is the soft pillow.

(End of this chapter)

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