Spread the pussy and send the right baby

Chapter 45: Once you help, you have to help forever!

Chapter 45 Helping Once, Helping Forever!

I subconsciously turned around and looked at his red eyes from crying just now. I glanced at the photo album in his hand, but I was not in a hurry to get it. He had a lot to say, although I knew that my heart would more uncomfortable than him...

"Six years ago, my father brought back these paintings and photo albums, regarded them as treasures, showed them to me, and kept praising them, saying that they were made by a boy who was about my age, and that it was a pity that the boy couldn't find them. It's here, he's very sad..." Gao Shengxuan choked up, "He is very similar to my father. My aunt has a bad life. He can also draw such good works. He must inherit my father's natural talent. If I was outside, he would By Dad's side, Dad must love him more, he must be better than me, I feel like a robber, I stole everything from him, and almost robbed you..." At this point, he couldn't help but fell again tears.

At this moment, his Gao Shengxuan's emotions are too entangled, and my heart is also hurting, hurting his pain, that poor Yinling King.I tried my best to hold back my tears, stepped forward, and wiped away his tears. "Don't say that, it's not your fault."

"It's my mother, and I'm my mother's bargaining chip." Gao Shengxuan smiled wryly, "I really complied with that sentence. I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me."

I took a deep breath, unable to defend myself, "But I don't think he ever blamed you. Besides, my aunt didn't mean it..."

"It's also because he never blames me or hates me that I can't stand it even more. Harming someone unintentionally is even more terrifying, because it's easier to be forgiven, and the victim has to admit it." Gao Shengxuan's voice began to tremble, "He once said It won’t kill me, I still look for a Taoist priest, I, am I too inhuman?”

"No, you didn't know then." I tried to persuade him.

"I've felt it a long time ago, but I'm in a mess." Gao Shengxuan bit his lower lip, took a strong breath, and cleared the nostrils that were blocked by crying. "I don't know, because I'm not sure if there is such a person. I once peeked at this photo album..." He raised the photo album in his hand and put it down again, "I saw a little boy, a very I look like a little boy, but I don’t seem to be my little boy, but my father snatched the photo album back and said it was a photo of me when I was a child, but I never wore patched clothes! I didn’t think too much about it at the time, and I often Looking at my childhood photos, I am much fatter than him, he is so thin, his little eyes look scared and unfriendly looking at the camera, exactly the same as Guoguo now..." He became a little excited, walked to the cabinet and leaned He leaned against the cabinet and squatted down on the ground again.

I subconsciously walked to him, sat down and listened carefully.

"He looks like me. It turns out that he is really a brother, and he was born by his aunt. No wonder." Gao Shengxuan couldn't help but continued, "I can't imagine how he came here all these years, and he is gone. I became the Yinling King at the age of 24, and my soul has suffered accordingly, and now I am still lost and disappeared forever...

"He..." I couldn't help but want to tell Gao Shengxuan that he still exists, but he interrupted me.

"I know, you like him because I am like him." Gao Shengxuan smiled and wiped away his tears. When he laughed, the crystal tears slipped from his eyes, and he wiped them again helplessly, "I remember that day when I watched Seeing your smile, I asked you if I saw it somewhere before, it turned out to be in his paintings. Everything has been confirmed, I don’t seem to dare to like you anymore, liking you seems to be stealing his things. But , he is gone, if you need me, I will always take care of you, take care of you for him. He did a good job, let you appear in front of my dad, at least I have a chance to give him everything back. "

"You mean, he asked me to come here to give birth to his child, does he want the child to earn money with you?" I asked subconsciously, if there was no Zhang Zhiyun, maybe I would think so too.

"I don't know, I hope so." Gao Shengxuan took a deep breath. "My father should have known that the child is not mine, remember? The first time he saw you, he liked you. It was not because of me, but because of him, because you are the girl in the painting. Dad should also know that the child in the hospital Weird incident, so I'm sure you are someone his other son likes, and he cares about you..."

"Yes..." I responded subconsciously, "No wonder he always said that he would give me everything when the child was born, and he even gave me the word "Quan" at that time..."

"Quan?" Gao Shengxuan shook his head helplessly, "Can't you even remember his name?"

I subconsciously shook my head.

"Look at the photo album later, and you will understand. Dad has plans from the beginning. He believes that you can give birth to his child."

"He has been nostalgic for this place, maybe it's because of Zhang Zhiyun's. That's his mother, and his mother is here. It should be because of his mother that he killed the Taoist priest, so it shouldn't be..." I subconsciously reminded Gao Shengxuan, but such a reminder, It seemed to make him more uncomfortable.

"If it is said that he is asking for family property, I can feel better." Gao Shengxuan choked up again, "No..." Gao Shengxuan stuffed the photo album into my hand, "Thank you for listening to me, I think you want to read it alone, Hope it reminds you of something."

Gao Shengxuan got up and left.

I looked at the worn cover of the photo album in my hand and trembled.

"Sorry, forgive me for being selfish..."

Gao Mingfeng's voice came suddenly, I was startled, and subconsciously stood up.

"Uncle, you haven't rested yet."

"Can't sleep..." Gao Mingfeng smiled, and walked in with a cane, "I heard you talking."

I forced a smile on my face, but I couldn't help but lower my head and cry. The man in front of me was just a kind father full of regrets at this moment.

"He is a good boy, unfortunately, his life is too hard, he must hate me very much..." Gao Mingfeng walked to the field picture and looked at it with a smile, "I am really relieved that you and the two children are by my side. "

"That Taoist..." I couldn't help but confirm that this was still a bit confusing.

"In fact, I have been secretly contacting that Taoist. He helped take care of Zhiyun. I didn't expect him to contact Zhili secretly. He even took Shengxuan's money to come here to catch ghosts. He was really greedy. In the end, he was asked to take the money and leave. He It’s too little, almost wanting to attack me, an old bone, but such a despicable person came out of the Taoist school, it’s best for Zhiyun to kill him..."

"You always thought it was Aunt Zhiyun who killed the Taoist priest?" My heart shook, and I was inexplicably happy for Gao Mingfeng, "No, it was him, your son. He saved you..." At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh, He really has a good heart.No resentment, no hatred, knowing that I am noble, and growing up under such conditions, I can still maintain a sunny smile.The only thing I can't accept is my betrayal, I forgot him and fell in love with someone else, but that person is Gao Shengxuan...

"Ah?" Gao Mingfeng couldn't believe it, the hand holding the crutch began to tremble excitedly, and wept with joy.

Seeing him tearful and snot flowing out of his nose, he subconsciously turned around and took out a tissue from the desk and handed it to him.

"Okay, okay..." Gao Mingfeng nodded in satisfaction, turned around and walked out of the study slowly, sobbing.

I breathed a sigh of relief, went back to my room with the photo album in my hands, turned on the lamp, and got under the covers.Taking a deep breath, I opened the photo album...

It really looks like Guoguo and Doudou...

Looking at his childhood photos, I couldn't help laughing.

A photo suddenly slipped from the album and fell on the floor next to the bed. I bent down to pick it up subconsciously. Only then did I discover the conspicuous row of confessions on the back of the photo.

"Sheng Quan, Dad is sorry for you."

My mind was shaken, Shengquan, Zhang Shengquan!No, it should be Gao Shengquan.

I showed a touch of joy and blamed myself, but only now did I remember his name.

No wonder, Gao Mingfeng gave me the word "Quan". A father wanted to hand over his son to his daughter-in-law, but he could only use this method.

"My name is Zhang Shengquan, what's your name?" A young and mature voice suddenly rang in my ears.

His dirty face, which was only seven or eight years old, came to mind.

He looked at me seriously who was crying, my hair was messed up, and I was squatting in the alley, when I heard his voice, I stopped crying, patted my buttocks and stood up, "My name is Keqing, Xiao Keqing. Thank you for beating those bad boys away."

He scratched his head in embarrassment, but also with a hint of dissatisfaction, "Who told you to be naughty and beat the younger brothers of those older boys, otherwise can they come and beat you?"

"That kid pulled my pigtail! My hair was pulled off, obviously I deserve a beating!" I grumbled and glared at him sideways with dissatisfaction.

"Tut tsk tsk..." He pursed his lips and shook his head helplessly, "You haven't been to elementary school yet, have you? You're so fierce, why aren't you being bullied by your senior classmates every day when you're in elementary school?"

When I heard this, I subconsciously looked at his school uniform, "I will go to Brother Shengquan's school next year, and Brother Shengquan will cover me."

"Brother Shengquan, you're still very friendly." He pouted, turned his head and wanted to leave.

"Hey, hey..." I saw him leave, and followed him directly, "I don't care, once you help, you have to help for a lifetime!"

"Little kid, go away!"


I remembered, what happened in my childhood, I remembered.

He seemed to ignore me, but since I entered elementary school, he was the one who helped me everywhere I caused trouble. I don’t know how many times I fought for me, and I don’t know how many times I went home with a nosebleed...

I thought Hong Doudou was so aggressive because he was like him!
It turns out that she looks like my mommy!God, after amnesia, I really changed a lot, could it be that I lost his favor?As if he was here, I could be so unscrupulous, my eyes were dim with tears, and I continued to look at the photo with sobs, I wanted to remember everything.I have a premonition, thinking of everything, I will be very happy...

The photo of Zhang Zhiyun came into view, and I was shocked by that kind and kind smile. It was so beautiful, and that face seemed to have a halo.How did such a beautiful woman die?I can't help pity, who committed such a crime...

"Ke Qing, your parents are not at home, so you come here for dinner after school at night..."

I seemed to hear her voice, and after a severe headache, a picture of her appeared in my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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