Chapter 76 Perfect Body
"Hmph..." Zhang Shengquan walked up to me, without saying a word, stretched out his hands and hugged me onto the table, his smile was indescribably weird.

The small one-story house, which was already dim, became even darker when the door was closed, and the air seemed to be filled with a cold breath.

Probably due to his yin power, the smell of pig manure was gone, but he still felt a little annoyed.His hands that had just wiped the pig manure came straight to me.

I was startled, turned over suddenly, and fell heavily to the ground, "Oh, my waist..."

"What are you running, I won't eat you, don't worry, it won't hurt very much." Zhang Shengquan showed an evil smile, and with a wave of his hand, my whole body floated up, and I returned to the dining table...

"My God, you don't want to be here?" I widened my eyes in surprise.

"Where is that?" Zhang Shengquan pouted, walked to the table, as if measuring, "The height of this table is just right, isn't it?" After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows at me with a smirk.

"Don't make trouble!" I squinted my eyes, sat up suddenly, and saw that he ignored my words, and kicked him hard. Unexpectedly, he remained motionless, and the cold air emitted from his body was overwhelming. Zombies are generally stiff.My feet were in pain, looking at his tall figure, I was really discouraged and was driven away...

"Give up struggling, darling, it's your only choice!" He suddenly stepped forward, leaned over and forced me down on the dining table, pressing his body tightly against my chest.So cold, so cold...

"No." I couldn't help closing my eyes, not daring to look at him again.His legs kicked involuntarily, his hands still couldn't help but want to push him away, hard, hard, hard...

Sure enough, he still didn't move.

"Help!" I couldn't help shouting, but the two children in the room seemed to be sleeping soundly!God, he really wants to eat me.

"Call me, my husband, listen, I'll consider whether I want it or not." He stretched out his cold finger and slid it gently on my cheek. There was a blush.

The ambiguous atmosphere complained in the cold air, my heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, it seemed to be looking forward to it, but it seemed to be very scared, I don't know what's wrong with me, it's so messy.

The last time I reunited with the reborn him in Gao's house, I did this too, but at this moment, my reason tells me that I can't accept it!Can't think about that shameful thing!This is a battle of family status!
Thinking of this, I opened my eyes suddenly, looked at his arm, and bit down hard.

But it seems that it is useless.

He doesn't feel it, I wipe it!

On the contrary, my tongue, like licking an ice cube, almost didn't stick to it.

"I see, you like to be tricked by IAN." He suddenly grabbed my hands, pushed them down on the table, nailed them effortlessly, yes, my hands were nailed!No matter what, I can't move!

I was in a hurry, and my legs couldn't help kicking between his two long legs!
The result is the same, it was nailed again!The legs are tightly attached to the two table legs, and the bent knees are just stuck on the edge of the table...

"Call a husband to listen." He seemed to be very interested and playful, and slowly unbuttoned my clothes from top to bottom.

"Husband, my lord..." I closed my eyes tightly, and had to say as he wanted. "Don't!" Thinking of the pain in the past, how could I not be afraid...

"Our family, who has the final say?" He couldn't help laughing, but his hand didn't stop, he still unbuttoned his clothes.

"You, my husband!" I made a bitter face and had to admit that I lost!

"Do you want to become naked all of a sudden, or gradually?" He unbuttoned my clothes, found that there was still underwear, and couldn't help frowning, "I can't help it, it's too ink stained!"

"Wow..." I couldn't help howling, most of my skin was exposed to the cold air, I was too ashamed to open my eyes to look at him, "You bully, let me go if you have the ability!"

"Only if you have the ability to keep you still!" He didn't fall for the trick, the corner of his mouth raised an elegant arc, and he yanked off my trouser chain...

"Are you really going to come?" I looked at him tremblingly with a bitter face.

"What do you think?" Zhang Shengquan showed a mischievous smile, and put his cold hand on my heart.

"Ah..." I suddenly ran away, "Liu! Can't you make me lose consciousness? Just like before..."

"NO!" Zhang Shengquan shook his head firmly, "In the past, it was because you couldn't stand the Yin Qi and your instincts were numb and unintuitive. Now, your Yin Qi is so heavy, but you can really feel it, so it's interesting. Otherwise, I might as well get a piece of pork!"

"You are the pork!" I couldn't help being annoyed that I even described labor and capital in this way.

"I don't feel it when I don't move, I don't reflect it. It's not pork. It just needs a hole! You can already feel it, why don't you enjoy it? How many female ghosts want to have fun with me every night, every one of them Hungry and thirsty, she ran to seduce me every day..."

"Don't mention your female ghosts to me! I'm so disgusted! How dare you say it!" I had a bitter face, a little angry, a little jealous, worried about my rivals, and couldn't help but answer him, "You If you have to, it makes me feel nothing..."

"Hey, are you afraid that I'll have sex with other female ghosts? I'm ugly too, so why can't I say it? Even though I'm a ghost, I'm also a man. If my wife doesn't let me use it, then I will really cheat!" He couldn't help but smirk.

I shyly turned my head away, didn't respond to him, and didn't want to admit that I was afraid of losing him, so I simply took another step back, "Either, why don't you take it easy, take it easy..." I really don't want to be like what he said, just be with me Put a hole in a piece of pork.

"You are so disobedient, and you asked me to wipe pig manure, I have to hurt you, hurt you! Take it easy, how boring, you like the drama of **IAN, and you want it to be light?"

"Don't, don't!" I was about to go crazy, I was extremely ashamed by what he said, but I also had an inexplicable feeling in my body, as if I really wanted, no, I didn't want to!I took a deep breath and struggled with the disobedient nerve cells in my body, "I don't like that perverted drama, it's you who like it, it's you! I used to feel so much pain, I can feel it, I don't have to be in pain Die! I don't want it!"

"Yeah, it will definitely hurt. I told you that I will love you very much!" He smiled happily, "The last time I was at Gao's house, I loved you so much that I held back even the loaded gun. This time, I really can't take it anymore! Who made you so difficult to tame? It is said that a woman has to be subdued by her to be obedient!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before I could refute something, his lips pressed against mine tightly, sucking greedily, and the high bridge of his nose flattened my nostrils, leaving nothing behind. The gap allows me to breathe, and my face turns red from holding back...

My body is tense, every cell is tightly shrunk together.Nervous, afraid, restless... The chaotic feeling is mixed with a trace of desire...

My surviving rationality told me to struggle, I tried to struggle, but I still couldn't move, I could only let his cold hands wanton on my body...

But, he seems very gentle.

Gentle, let me slowly start to relax...

The cold breath quickly entered my body, I seemed to feel that his body was not so cold anymore, my hot body seemed to be able to warm his body, the tip of my tongue regained consciousness from numbness, I couldn't help but respond, Kissing his sexy full lips...

After getting my response, he seemed very excited, his breathing became short of breath, and his eyes that looked at me became more and more hot, with bloodthirsty bright red...

I don't know when, my hands can move, I can't help hooking his neck, looking at him with eyes full of desire...

I never thought it would be like this, probably because I love him so much, I was stimulated by his words just now, I want to satisfy him too much, and I don't want his loaded gun to be used by other female ghosts!
I put my heart to one side, regardless of the so-called pain, I have already thought about it anyway!Kissed his lips suddenly, took off his big black coat, and unbuttoned his dark blue shirt without stopping. The sexy and strong chest was exposed in front of my eyes, and the huge abdominal muscles made me drool. dc...

Damn!This is really not the perfect body that people have!

(End of this chapter)

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