Lonely pet and confused little girl: mistakenly trapped in a disgusting man

Chapter 105 Dare to Run, the Consequences Are Serious

Chapter 105 Dare to Run, the Consequences Are Serious (3)

Qiu Bitian felt a little regretful. He had no choice but to destroy them and replace them with the first-class killer organization to expand their power. He wanted to survive, and for the "God" family of killers not to be defeated by him.

He had no choice but to agree to all of He Yutian's demands, so that now the "God" is not under his control at all, and is supported by He Yutian.

If his daughter had followed Feng Xingtian back then, the "God" might have been destroyed in his hands, alas, he is also in a dilemma!

He patted his daughter's slender back, it would be great if there was a man who could hold He Bingtian down, as long as he loved his daughter, he would agree to let her marry him.

However, is there such a person in China?
"Who?! Who is it?"

Qiu Ling'er pulled out the dagger by her side and stabbed outside the door.

The dagger hissed and scratched the flesh of the man's face, Qiu Ling'er quickly rushed to open the door, and saw Hei Lang standing outside the door.

Hei Lang is the killer who came in after He Bingtian, and he is also a first-class killer in the country. His skill is comparable to that of Qiu Ling'er, and slightly worse than that of Feng Xingtian.

He is He Bingtian's most loyal subordinate, more devout than Feng Xingtian, Qiu Ling'er once suspected that the black wolf may have been He Bingtian's man long ago.When He Bingtian came, he was arranged to follow.

"Hei Lang, what are you doing here?"

Qiu Ling'er stared at him displeasedly and said, like He Bingtian, he also had an evil smell about him, no matter how she saw it, he didn't like it.

Hei Lang just gently stroked away the bloodstain on his cheek that was scratched by Qiu Ling'er's dagger, the bloody red color, and said quietly:
"I'm here to report to the leader. The officer will arrive early the morning after tomorrow. Please ask the lady to pick you up."

Qiu Ling'er said angrily: "I just came back, how did Chief He know that I was here? Did you tell him? How angry!"

She had just come back for a while, and someone reported this to He Bingtian. He Bingtian didn't go back to L City and came back here because he knew she was here, right?

"Why did He Feitian come back suddenly? Didn't he say that he has something to deal with abroad?"

Qiu Bitian came over with a blank expression and asked.It may not be a coincidence that the black wolf is here. All along, He Shitian seems to know everything about them.

He suspected that He Bingtian had been watching them all the time.

Hei Lang raised his eyelids, curled his lips and said, "Miss is here, so of course the officer will be here too, it's nothing strange!"

(End of this chapter)

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