Lonely pet and confused little girl: mistakenly trapped in a disgusting man

Chapter 107 Dare to Run, the Consequences Are Serious

Chapter 107 Dare to Run, the Consequences Are Serious (5)

Halfway to the airport, she purposely turned the car in the other direction and took another taxi.After crossing another intersection, I got out of the car again and changed to a third one. After doing this three times, I finally arrived at the airport smoothly.

She looked at her watch, and there were 5 minutes to board the plane, and she was lucky to catch up.

She took another ID card and ticket, walked to the boarding gate, successfully boarded the plane, got on the plane, and flew to K City, another city she was going to.

"Ling'er, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for several days. As soon as you left, I resigned immediately. My family also agreed with me to study. My family took advantage of a little relationship and let me study here. You see , I have done everything, just waiting for you to come, we can go to school tomorrow."

When Li Xinxin received a call from Qiu Linger, she hurried from school to the airport to pick her up.

When Qiu Ling'er saw Li Xinxin, her eyes burned, and she hugged Li Xinxin's round body excitedly and said:
"Fortunately, I'm smart, otherwise, I almost wouldn't be able to come."

Fortunately, only Hei Lang was sent to watch her. If she sent a few more men, it would be difficult for her to deal with it. Maybe the matter of coming to study would be ruined.

"What's the matter, did something happen?"

Li Xinxin asked her puzzledly.Looking at her eyes, there is sadness, discomfort, and a trace of humiliation.

I don't know what happened to Qiu Ling'er after being separated from Ling'er these days?
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Qiu Ling'er wiped her eyes, and there was even a trace of tears, "As long as I finish my studies here, I will be fine soon."

Li Xinxin didn't understand, but just handed over the tissue with concern, knowing that Qiu Ling'er seemed to have something she didn't want to say, so she didn't force her.

In the afternoon, Li Xinxin accompanied her to the school to register. Li Xinxin was taken aback at the time, but Qiu Linger used another ID card to register, called Ye Qu.

Qiu Ling'er begged her not to speak out with both palms, seeing that she had unspeakable difficulties, Li Xinxin agreed.

After completing a series of registrations and arranging dormitories, the two went to the school gate to buy daily necessities.

"Ye Qu, that's great. I finally explained that the teacher let us live in the same dormitory, so we can take care of each other in the future."

Li Xinxin and Qiu Linger took a lot of daily necessities together and walked back to the school dormitory.

"Well, I'm also very happy. Xinxin, thank you for coming to accompany me. If it weren't for you, I would be lonely and sad to death. In this strange city, there is no one to talk with me."

(End of this chapter)

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