Lonely pet and confused little girl: mistakenly trapped in a disgusting man

Chapter 119 Betray me, you will know the consequences

Chapter 119 Betray me, you will know the consequences (7)

"Hey, I'm looking for Qiu Ling'er, the daughter of your leader, please tell her, an old friend is here to find her!"

He also wrinkled his beautiful nose and said dissatisfiedly: "You guys are really serious, do you know that I am a guest? You want me to make a move, do you know that people who do eight-dan karate can't fight with others casually, it will make me appear Very poor."

He said depressedly that he politely said to find Qiu Ling'er just now, but she didn't even look at him and wanted to push him out, so he did so generously.

Finally, a fair-looking man who looked fairly pleasing to the eye looked him over carefully and said:
"Please wait in the living room, I will inform the lady to come over."

"Well, this gentleman is still polite. I just like polite people. By the way, my name is Ouyang Junjun."

When Feng Xingtian called to inform Qiu Linger, she fell asleep at noon, Ouyang Junjun?She was stunned for a long time before she thought of that brat who was playing car skills and wanted to ask her for a kiss!
Oh, no, it's a young man with good skills and bad farts!
"Hey, why did you come to see me?"

Qiu Ling'er walked into the living room of "Tian Shen" and saw Ouyang Junjun drinking tea generously and crossing his legs. It seems that "Tian Shen" is not regarded as a killer organization, but a supermarket!

Ouyang Junjun jumped up in surprise when he saw her.

"Hey, you are the boss's woman, do you know that? If you don't say it, you run away, and all of us are scolded by the boss. Life is miserable!"

Ouyang Junjun came over, but stared at her with resentful eyes and puffy face.

It's all because of her!As a result, all their subordinates didn't have a good day, and it was fine to face a dark face every day, and they were kicked out every day, saying that they would never come back if they couldn't find anyone!
He is a small shrimp, so easy for him!
"Your boss?"

She froze, who is it?

"Isn't it the guy who spoiled you, threw a lot of work to us, let us be crushed to death by the workload, and then accompanied you to Hawaii for vacation! He really has the opposite sex and is inhuman!"

He pouted, really, I've never seen him value sex so much over friends before!This time, he seems to be playing for real!
"Gong Jingchen?" Qiu Ling'er was stunned, did Ouyang Junjun really work for the Gong Group?
I used to be a well-dressed driver, but now I also "broke" into the "God" in a well-dressed way!

(End of this chapter)

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