Chapter 124 Girls Like Evil Men Too
Qiu Ling'er turned her head away and ignored him, Hei Lang belonged to him, and he ordered that incident, and beating Hei Lang would not relieve her anger.

"Don't be angry, that wedding dress is very beautiful. I have been looking for that French designer for a long time, and I spent a lot of money to order it for you. It must look good with your figure, and you will definitely like it."

He held her delicate white hand, and he coaxed her dotingly, holding her in his arms.

Qiu Ling'er bit her lip, leaned on his chest and did not speak.She knew that he was bad, and that he doted on her very much, but she just couldn't fall in love with him.

Moreover, after he threatened her to kill her father if she didn't get married, she hated and angry with him even more.

Seeing that she didn't speak, He Bingtian didn't mind, knowing that she was still a little angry with him.

He used an extraordinary method. If he didn't use this method, he would regret it for the rest of his life if he couldn't get the woman he loves.

Compared with the results he got, he felt it was worth it.

He hugged her slender body tightly, as long as he got her, he would spend his whole life to make up for her.

When they arrived at the bridal dress store, they got out of the car, and the two walked in, greeted by the lady proprietress's smile.

It was a white gauze dress inlaid with fine diamonds all over the body, with a peach round neck, which set off her beautiful collarbone and fair neck.The drag is very long, and it has a sense of elegance and luxury.

There are hundreds of broken diamonds on it alone, and the value must be hundreds of millions of yuan.


He Feitian walked over in amazement and surprise, and stood beside her.When he ordered this dress, he felt that the style was novel, the pure white was flawless, and those fine details brought out the nobility of the bride.

He liked it very much and ordered it right away, the only one in the world.

"Yes, Mr. He, you really have foresight. The French master Bonnie doesn't take it lightly. The clothes he makes are the objects of competition from all over the world."

The lady proprietress of the clothing store said with a smile, this is the most expensive and noble one she has seen in this shop, and she is so envious.Although the groom's face was cold, with an inexplicable majesty, he was very handsome. Girls actually like that kind of evil, handsome man.

"Come on, I'm thirsty."

Qiu Ling'er wished to take off this wedding dress right away, beauty is beautiful, but when a girl gets married, it's about the feeling of happiness.Without the feeling of happiness, no matter how beautiful the wedding dress is, it cannot make up for this loss.

"Do you not like it?"

He Feitian bowed his head and asked her, his black pupils were slightly bright, he imagined the moment he stood in the auditorium with Qiu Linger that day, there was an inexplicable agitation in his heart that could not be calmed down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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