Lonely pet and confused little girl: mistakenly trapped in a disgusting man

Chapter 129 You're peeping at me, you're not good

Chapter 129 You're peeping at me, you're not good
The car door slammed open, and Gong Jingchen looked at her in surprise. He received news from Ouyang Junjun, and rushed over from L City non-stop, and drove himself to Qiufu to find her.

He looked at her in surprise, but suddenly found that her condition was not very good, and her face was very pale.

"President... 555.. I'm in so much pain, my... may be gone... I don't want to..."

She started to cry, she had a bad feeling, her stomach was hurting, she was always healthy, she must have eaten something bad at some point.She suddenly thought of the officer, but no, she shook her head, the officer would not be so cruel.

"Baby, be good, it doesn't hurt, I'll take you to the hospital right away!"

Gong Jingchen picked her up and sent her to the passenger seat, and the car rushed out madly.

He also had an ominous omen in his heart. He saw Qiu Ling'er clutching his abdomen, and he was overjoyed. Could it be that...

However, looking at Qiu Ling'er's situation, his heart felt as if he had been gouged out by a knife.

"Ling'er, you'll be fine, I won't allow you to be fine!"

While comforting her, he reached the largest hospital in city A as quickly as possible.

Qiu Ling'er kept crying, she was in so much pain and panicked, and seeing his worried eyes made her want to cry even more.

It's strange, why he came to her, he must not know, she has his child.

"The hospital is here, Linger, you will be fine."

Gong Jingchen stopped the car, rushed into the emergency room with Qiu Ling'er in her arms, and shouted loudly:

"Doctor, come and save someone! I beg you, doctor, hurry up!"

The doctor hurried out and saw that the patient's condition seemed to be not good, so he quickly sent him to the operating room on a lift bed.

"Ling'er, you will be fine, be good, don't be afraid, I will accompany you."

Gong Jingchen held Qiu Ling'er's hand, seeing her pale face, he felt a severe pain in his heart.

He kissed away the tears on her cheek, comforted her, held his hands tightly, and watched Qiu Ling'er being pushed into the operating room.

Qiu Ling'er looked at him fixedly, his misty eyes were filled with worry.

~~~~~~Hoohoo, dividing line~~~~~~
Qiu Ling'er woke up from the coma, the white light was very soft, and she no longer felt pain.

The steady heartbeat was not only hers, but also someone else's.

She caresses her belly, her little angel, as if she hasn't left yet.

She is so happy.

She opened her eyes, and saw a figure lying beside her, with a firm chin, a handsome and sculpted face, and his slightly thin and sexy lips, as if feeling her gaze.Gong Jingchen also opened her eyes, staring at her with a smile.

"You're peeking at me, you're not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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