Chapter 131 Hostility
"Wait!" Gong Jingchen stopped in front of him, stopped him and said, "She is my woman, and what is in her belly is my child."

"You bastard! Gong Jingchen!—"

He Feitian punched him with an iron fist, Gong Jingchen dodged around, dodged, and punched him back.

"Qiu Ling'er has been my woman since she was 14 years old! Moreover, she is my fiancee. Gong Jingchen, you bastard, how dare you take my woman away!"

"Linger is not yours. He Bingtian, if you hadn't forced Linger, would she have been by your side?"

Gong Jingchen said coldly, the two of them, where there is usually gentle eyes, are full of bloodthirsty and tense atmosphere against the enemy.

"Gong Jingchen, I want to get back what I lost, last time, and now, from you."

He Feitian quickly took out the phone from his pocket, Qiu Linger was startled, so fast, before she could react, the officer's gun was aimed at Gong Jingchen.

Gong Jingchen was not slow either, he kicked the gun away from He Bingtian's hand, and then Ouyang Junjun and another person broke in.

Gong Jingchen was already prepared, but He Bingtian looked at him coldly.

"Boss, the following are all He Bingtian's people."

Ouyang Junjun held a pistol and said anxiously.This is He Bingtian's territory, they came in a hurry, they didn't bring many people here, the situation seemed to be bad.

"Ouyang, Xuehu, stop He Bingtian."

Gong Jingchen saw several black cars parked below, and many people inside ran out, he picked up Qiu Ling'er from the bed, and then went up to the rooftop under the cover of Ouyang Junjun and Xuehu.

At this moment, a helicopter was parked on the roof, "Boss, come up!"

A handsome face in the helicopter shouted that the helicopter's propeller was spinning at an accelerated speed.

"Wait, where are you taking me?"

Qiu Ling'er asked in panic, this situation is too sudden.All of a sudden the officer sent someone to break into the hospital, and Gong Jingchen even prepared a helicopter on the rooftop in advance.

Gong Jingchen lowered his head, looked at her and said:
"Go to our place."

After all, he carried her into the helicopter and left the rooftop before He Bingtian's people arrived.

"Are you tired? Take a rest first, and I will call you when you arrive."

Gong Jingchen held Qiu Ling'er in his arms, looked down at her, her face was still pale and her body was weak.If it weren't for the emergency, He Bingtian's people rushed over, he wouldn't be in such a hurry to take her away now, she still needs a proper rest.


She bit her lip, Gong Jingchen took her away in front of the officer.He Feitian must be very angry, very angry, and, three days later, they will get married, but at this time, Gong Jingchen took her away.

(End of this chapter)

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