Chapter 148 Ghost Shadow
"President Gong, are you from 'Mingying'?"

Qiu Bitian asked in astonishment.

Gong Jingchen smiled and said; "To be precise, 'Mingying' is now under my control."

The creation of "Phantom" was founded by him when he was studying NBA at Harvard University in the United States.Several of his subordinates, said to be his subordinates, are actually his friends, and they all have famous backgrounds and titles in Asia.

They jointly participate in the control of the Asian economy, and some countries in Asia, including the domestic economy, are in turmoil.In recent years, the black market has been occupying a huge market, among which "Black Emperor" is the most prominent.

The leader of the "Black Emperor" is very mysterious. Few people have seen his true face, so he has been investigating. Later, he found out that He Bingtian, the general manager of Shenyuan Company, was somewhat suspicious.

Later, a confused killer came to kill him at night, and by accident, he met Qiu Ling'er.

Like fate, he was quickly attracted to Qiu Ling'er. Unexpectedly, Qiu Ling'er was the daughter He Bingtian had always protected and loved.

He was ecstatic, if it wasn't for He Bingtian, he might never have the chance to see Qiu Ling'er in his life.

He was attracted by her innocent nature. She was the daughter of the leader of the top domestic assassin organization, and she was also a deeply protected woman.

Good skills, naughty and innocent, but she is actually kind, the more he gets in touch with her, the more he likes her.

But she was like a little loach, running away all the time, he had no choice but to use the worst trick - get on the train first, then pay the fare later.

It seems that the result is still good, this girl is pregnant with his child, so she can't run away.

Seeing his big and contented smile, Qiu Ling'er wanted to punch his smile away.Qiu Bitian looked at Gong Jingchen deeply, and seeing the affection in his eyes, it seemed that he was sincere to his daughter.Moreover, "Mingying" has always been very decent in the outside world, and "Heidi" are two completely opposite organizations. He can finally feel relieved after entrusting his daughter to him.

After dinner, at night, Qiu Ling'er and her father were walking in the garden behind the villa. Gong Jingchen temporarily went to the headquarters of "Mingying" because she had to deal with some business.

"Dad, you left, what about 'God'?"

Qiu Ling'er held her father's hand and asked worriedly.

Qiu Bitian sighed, "Except for Feng Xingtian, almost all of the 'Tianshen' are from He Bingtian, we can't go back. Linger, although I don't know Gong Jingchen, but seeing his eyes on you, he It’s really good to you, then I can finally rest assured.”

(End of this chapter)

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