Chapter 152 The Hurricane of the Underworld

A grand wedding, held on a huge cruise ship.

Red carpet, flower petals all over the ground, wedding march, Zhuang Su's priest, and some "guests".

Everything is waiting for her.

He Bingtian had carried her on the deck since he got on the ship, and the long dragging white gauze dress fluttered in the sea breeze.

He Feitian put her down, and he stood in front of her. He was wearing a dark brown European-style suit with a wider lapel collar and double-breasted buttons. Each button was made of platinum, showing the aristocratic style.

His sharp and sinister face, with a deep and cold light, made people look like a nobleman from a certain Asian country.

Her heart moved, she never knew his true identity.

From the age of 14, she just came back from school and went to "Tianjin" to find her father.In Dad's office, a tall figure towered like a hurricane.He heard her voice, turned around, and looked at her.

She was shocked. She had seen those eyes before.

There was a flash of surprise in his deep black pupils, and there was a touch of heat that she had never seen before, burning like fire, staring at her recklessly.

She took a step back, what a strong breath.

Who is he... who is he?
If it was just a stranger, that kind of gaze seemed to penetrate her heart, making her freeze in place and unable to breathe.

He turned his head and seemed to notice something strange about Qiu Bitian, who was slightly stunned. Could it be that He Yutian, a top killer in the world, saw his daughter?

"Boss, 'Yunlong' will disappear overnight, and 'God' will no longer be threatened by anyone!"

He Yutian said with a bloodthirsty cold light.

Qiu Ling'er was stunned, "Yunlong" is the deadly enemy of "God".Father has been suffering from headaches during this period. "Yunlong" is a top-ranking assassin organization in the country, and because "Tian Shen" has been in trouble for the past two years, he wants to annex "Tian Shen".

Many properties of "Tian Shen" were overbearingly occupied by "Yunlong", and many subordinates of "Tian Shen" also took refuge in "Yunlong".

"Yunlong" had issued an ultimatum three days ago, if he didn't surrender automatically, the "God" would be wiped out!
My father had no choice but to find the world's top-ranked killer He Feitian through special channels, and assassinate the leader of "Yunlong".

But He Bingtian now brazenly said that he would destroy "Yunlong" overnight.

This is an unlikely thing, right?

(End of this chapter)

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