Chapter 163 The Daddy Must Be Strong
"Hey! Where did this kid come from? Play with a fake gun, get out of here!"

Pheasant mocked and stepped forward to clasp Ye Che's hand. At this moment, the other slender jade hand clasped the acupuncture point of his palm.

He bared his lips and cried out in pain, "Ah..."

"Don't touch my son."

Qiu Ling'er looked helplessly at Ye Che, where did this little fellow get his sense of justice?Get a fake gun and act like a cop.

Her cold eyes startled Pheasant, but then became angry again, it turned out to be a delicate woman.

He had no face at all, he raised his other hand holding the gun to her in shame, Qiu Ling'er fended off his attack, and skillfully snatched the gun from his hand.She knocked him unconscious with a hand knife.

The leader was startled, seeing the woman's quick and agile movements, she seemed to have some knowledge, "Damn! Damn bitch!" He and another subordinate immediately pointed their guns at her.

"Bang bang", Qiu Ling'er rolled around on the ground, the bullet only splashed dust, she squatted up, and calmly fired two shots at them with the pistol she had snatched from her.


Two screams hit their hands, and the two guns fell to the ground.

Their hands could no longer hold the gun firmly, and it fell, together with the drops of blood.

"Second, kill this woman!"

The two drew out their knives and stabbed at Qiu Ling'er together.

Qiu Ling'er dodged swiftly, and hit one man's jaw with a spinning kick, and fell hard.

The other person was also forced forward by Qiu Ling'er, and hit his chest with a punch, and fell to the ground moaning in pain, unable to get up again.

Qiu Ling'er stood up straight.

"Call the police!"

She wiped the finger marks on the pistol with a handkerchief, motioned to the staff on the side, and then threw the gun away.

She hugged Ye Che.

She took Ye Che and left the supermarket when the alarm bell was ringing.

Ye Che looked up at Mummy, Mummy's eyes were calm and wise, Mummy is so cool!
out the door...

"Ah! Oops, Oops! Didn't buy food..."

Ye Che is sweating~
Confused Mommy. .

He is so curious, who is his daddy?
If Mummy is so strong, Daddy must also be a very strong person, right?Otherwise, he wouldn't want him to be his daddy!
"Honey, let's go to another supermarket."

Qiu Ling'er picked up Ye Che again, looked at her watch, time was running out, Li Xinxin must be anxious.

In the end, the two went to another supermarket to pick up a few dishes in a hurry, and they finished it in a few minutes.After paying the bill, I took a bus to Li Xinxin's house.

(End of this chapter)

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