Chapter 175 Is That Sister-in-Law

"Xiao Che, come here, uncle brought you a gift, let's see if you like it?"

Xuan Yapeng took out an electric toy from another bag. It is one of the latest toys and is quite expensive.Once Xiaoche saw it in a toy store and pestered Qiu Linger to buy it. Qiu Linger saw the price and didn't like him!
One month's salary!Depressed, stinky kid, I don't know how to help her save, so I just buy the most expensive one.

"Wow! The roller coaster! Uncle Xuan, you are awesome!"

Ye Che still glared at Mommy, little bubble, look, if you don't buy it, someone gave it to you, it's all right!
Xuan Yapeng played with Li Xinxin and Ye Che for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, they left.I wanted to have a meal together, but thinking that Qiu Ling'er is not in good health, it would be good to cook some light porridge at home.

Ye Che swallowed a mouthful of porridge, recalling Mommy's cool skills a few days ago, raised his head, and asked curiously:
"Mommy, who is my dad?"

"Oh, this one?" Qiu Ling'er dealt with this flawlessly, she spread her hands helplessly, "I don't know! Maybe he's a bad guy, don't want Mommy."

She looked at the baby with a bitter face, "Mother was abandoned, no one wants her, baby, don't want her mother, otherwise, mother will be very pitiful."

Ye Che's hair was dark, and he pretended to be pitiful in front of him all day long, saying that no one wanted him!

However, he has seen that his mother has been avoiding the pursuit of some men. Although the mother is confused, there are many people who pursue her!
However, to be his father, you can't just do it so easily, you have to pass him!
Uncle Xuan is very good, but not cool enough!
It's not cool enough for Mommy, so how can I do it? !
~~~~~~~~Hoo Hoo, dividing line, Hoo ~~~~~~
"Boss, this is the video from that day, are you sure, is it sister-in-law?"

Ouyang Junjun handed a disc to Gong Jingchen who lived in the hotel's president's suite, and asked curiously.

Gong Jingchen turned on the video, staring intently at the picture taken by a camera in the supermarket a few days ago.

A woman, about 22, confronts three armed robbers with her bare hands in a supermarket.That skill is not something that ordinary people can have. Even well-trained policemen are not as agile and capable as her.

There was also a three-year-old boy beside her. From a distance, the boy was cute and clever, with a sense of justice, which made people laugh and want to be petted.

(End of this chapter)

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