Chapter 190 Tears of Happiness
It seemed that this wedding dress must be expensive, so she subconsciously searched for the sign, but couldn't find it.

Later, she heard from the saleswoman privately that the wedding dress was said to be worth more than ten million yuan. There were nearly a hundred fine diamonds and crystals on it alone, and the price was high. To them, that was a sky-high wedding dress. !

"Hey, go and try."

Gong Jingchen came over, kissed her ear, and persuaded her.

"it is good."

Qiu Ling'er walked in holding the wedding dress, and after a while, she came out wearing a pure white wedding dress, and everyone's eyes lit up.

With a pretty face, skin as smooth as fat, and a tall and beautiful wedding dress shining brightly under the light, she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Gong Jingchen had deep eyes, stepped forward, kissed her tender face,
"you are pretty!"

Qiu Ling'er stared at him shyly, and also saw her own figure in the mirror. At this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of happiness.

However, in the bottom of her heart, she had a faint feeling that she had tried on the wedding dress somewhere, but she didn't have this feeling.

"Mommy, you are so beautiful!"

Shao Xinxin brought Xiao Che along, and Xiao Che ran towards Mommy excitedly, with his big hands open, hugging Mommy's leg.

Mommy is so beautiful!Like a fairy, Mommy always says she is not beautiful, she is very ordinary, but in fact he thinks Mommy is more beautiful than everyone else.

"Xiao Che, why are you here?"

Qiu Ling'er held Ye Che in her arms. Xiao Che was wearing a small brown and black suit today, with small leather shoes on his feet, and his hair was neatly combed, so handsome!
"Grandma took me to the park to play, and then brought me here. Mommy, are you going to marry Daddy?"

The little guy asked with twinkling eyes.

Qiu Ling'er smiled softly, this little guy's question is really difficult to answer, so it is said that children's questions are the most difficult to answer in the world.

"Well. Does Xiao Che like Daddy?"

"I like it. I like Daddy, I like Grandma, I like Grandpa."

Ye Che smiled and said, Daddy, grandma, and grandpa are all good to him.Buy him whatever he wants to eat.Whatever he wants to play, just accompany him to play, he is so happy here!
"That's good."

Qiu Ling'er's eyes were hot, staring at Gong Jingchen's affectionate black pupils standing in front of him, he bent down and kissed away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Every woman wants to marry a man who loves her, and she doesn't hate him, and Xiaoche likes him, so she has no reason to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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