Chapter 194 The Master Is Waiting For You

After driving for about half an hour, the car came to a piece of private land with open forests, endless sea, and a wide road winding up the mountain.

At the end of the mountain road is a large European-style villa.

This house is beautiful in shape, gorgeous but not vulgar. There is a huge fountain in the center of the house, and there is a fresh and unique garden beside it.

The car drove through the iron fence and arrived in front of the villa.

The car stopped, and a local housekeeper stepped forward to help her open the door.

"Master is waiting for you inside." He said respectfully.

She nodded and looked up.

It was already evening, and the setting sun was approaching. Next to the French windows on the second floor, a tall and muscular figure stood there.

His obsidian-like pupils shone with a faint light.

There was a feeling of suffocation in her heart, so she settled down and followed the housekeeper into the house.

In the spacious living room, the marble floor is covered with expensive and beautifully patterned carpets.

She stepped in step by step, but the housekeeper had already retreated.

He Bingtian, who was a tall figure by the floor-to-ceiling window, turned around and stared at her.

A huge oppressive force swept into her heart like a hurricane.

After four years of separation, seeing him again was not long after she had just recovered her memory.

She stood firmly in front of him, with a cold light in his black eyes, and a hidden deep anger, as if he was staring at his prey, he captured her instantly.

Like eight years ago, those eyes.

She gradually knew when she had seen those eyes.In the dark night, those eyes were burning like flames.

Eight years ago.

Under light rain, on the streets of K City.

Qiu Ling'er went to the library with her classmates, and she was reading late, so she said goodbye to her classmates at the library gate.

She walked out of the street with an umbrella and walked in the direction of her home.

In a secluded alley, she heard a gunshot and the noisy footsteps of several people.

She wanted to retreat, but there was a stone wall in front of her, and she just clinged to the wall when she retreated, and there was no way to retreat.

A slender figure flew towards her. He was wearing a black overcoat and glasses. Under the dim light, she couldn't see his appearance clearly.

He was a good shot, and he raised his pistol and shot twice, one shot in the left chest of a man, and the other arm was wounded and he dodged.

The remaining two men fired at him at the same time. He rolled over and rolled aside. He raised his gun and fired again.

"Boom" the gun in his hand was hit and flew aside, at Qiu Ling'er's feet.

(End of this chapter)

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