Chapter 196 The Beauty of Poppy
Qiu Ling'er went back to the room, found clothes in the room, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, she was very tired, and she didn't know what the future would be like, what kind of place she was going to, and that kind of uneasiness and uneasiness overdrawn all her energy.

Now people feel very tired when they relax.

The butler quickly ordered the supper to be delivered, just some light porridge, soup and some local snacks.

After she took a shower, she drank some soup and ate some porridge in her room.

After eating, she asked someone to move away, and she walked to the window, where there was a tall carved white railing, and expensive and thick pink gauze.

The moonlight hung high and was very bright.

What she was worried about was her father, He Bingtian wouldn't let her go to see him now, it was very late, but she would rather see her now.

For four years, I don't know what happened to my father. Did the poison of "Snow Pigeon" get cured back then?
It's useless for her to think too much. Tomorrow, she must see Dad.He knew that the purpose of her coming was Dad, and he would definitely let her see him.

She drank a glass of water, quenched her thirst, and fell asleep on the bed.

At night, she felt a warm breath coming to her and spraying on her face.

She still closed her eyes and ignored it. The man stood beside her bed, staring at her quietly by the light of the moon.

She fell into a deep sleep and slept peacefully all night. In the morning, the morning light came in through the heavy curtains, and the birds were singing happily.

When she opened her eyes, there was no longer any figure in front of the bed.

The maid knocked at the door to announce that breakfast was ready and the master was waiting for her in the dining room.

She nodded, got up to freshen up, took a set of more common plain clothes from the closet, put them on, and walked out the door.

When she came to the living room, He Bingtian was standing by the window waiting for her.

It was rare for him to wear a casual black suit today, and when he saw her walk into the restaurant, a faint light flashed in his obsidian pupils, and he walked towards her.

"I have prepared your favorite dim sum for you, as well as several local specialty dim sum. I hope you like it."

Qiu Ling'er didn't resist his hug, but hugged her lightly, his soft voice was close to her ears.

She raised her head and looked at his exceptionally deep black pupils under the sunlight.

The chief is a very handsome man, but he has an evil aura. It is a kind of beauty. Some people will say that it is like a poppy, and some people are like a flower of the other shore. They are both beautiful and evil.

"I'm usually not picky about food, sir, you know that." She met his eyes and said.


Ye's words: I'm sorry, Ye's computer is broken, and it has been repaired all afternoon and night. It seems that the hard disk is broken.Now I am using my family's computer to code words. I don't know how many chapters I can code now. Try to catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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