Chapter 204 The Underworld (1)

"Yes. The doctor said that I was falling into the sea, and I may have hit my head on a rock, and I have temporary amnesia."

She nodded and continued: "Fortunately, it's just amnesia. There was no accidental injury to my body, and I recovered soon. I studied in university in City K for four years, and then found a job in a local foreign trade company."

"Well," he buried his handsome face in her neck, "it's a good thing you're okay, otherwise I wouldn't forgive myself."

If it wasn't for his eagerness to hold the wedding on the cruise ship, Gong Jingchen wouldn't be so eager to attack him, and she wouldn't accidentally fall into the sea because of this.

"Sir, you won't hurt me. I know you won't."

He raised his head and met her clear eyes, the clarity was still there, she lost the immaturity of her youth and became a bit mature.It seems that during those four years, she honed her will a lot.

Without external support, I worked part-time and studied at the same time, and I had to take care of Xiaoche in the meantime.Fortunately, she has a good friend and best friend by her side to help her.

"You are really less and less afraid of me."

His slender fingers traced carefully on her fair and tender cheeks, from the eyelids, to the corners of the eyes, cheeks, nose, and then to the lips...

"Sir, do you want me to be afraid of you?"

She didn't stop, just looked at him and said.

"Besides, I'm getting smarter." His black eyes twitched, and he continued, his warm lips slowly fell on her curvaceous chin, and said magnetically:

"Then accompany me tonight..."

Her body froze, he leaned over her collarbone and smiled lowly, "It's still the original Qiu Ling'er."

"Okay, you are also tired during this time, go to sleep, we will set off early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, sir, then sir, rest early."

Qiu Ling'er stood up, bowed her body, and walked out.

He Feitian picked up the pu bait tea that Qiu Linger poured for him on the table, but she didn't expect her to be careful. The tea was already cold, but he poured it down the whole cup.

The fragrance of the tea, and the teacup seemed to still have her fragrance. I thought of the day when she came to the villa alone, with her hurried face and cold eyes.

He couldn't forget that look, those cold and complex eyes.

Her hug was cold, he hugged her tightly, as if to warm her up, but still couldn't cover her body.


In the early morning of the next day, Qiu Ling'er got up early to wash up, and had a simple breakfast with He Yutian in the restaurant.

After Qiu Ling'er bid farewell to her father, she asked the housekeeper to take care of her father carefully. The two of them walked to a very wide lawn behind the villa, where a helicopter was parked.

(End of this chapter)

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