Chapter 206 The Underworld (3)

The eyes are clear and indifferent, without the enchanting passion of ordinary charming women. I heard a few years ago that Mr. He often returns to China.Moreover, he has been resident in City A for four years. He once suspected that it was related to women, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

"Miss Qiu, Mr. He, you have worked so hard to come all the way here, I have prepared a room for you, please come in!"

Boss Matt and two burly subordinates generously invited them into the villa. They sat on the soft leather sofa in the living room. A young maid made two cups of local fragrant tea and put them on the table. He was sent to the room of the two by the servants.

"Thank you, Boss Matt. We have known each other for many years, so don't be polite." He Fengtian held Qiu Ling'er's little hand, lowered his head and said, "Linger, Boss Matt and I are brothers, so here you just treat yourself as your own brother." You're at home, you're welcome."

Qiu Ling'er stared at Matt's strange eyes, nodded, "Okay."

"Miss Qiu, the security here is not very good recently. If you want to go out, I will ask my subordinates to go out with you."

Boss Matt said kindly.

Qiu Ling'er glanced at the two subordinates beside him, one was thick and cold, the other was sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked, with sinister eyes, it was not a good person at first glance.

"Thank you, Matt, I don't need it."

Qiu Ling'er said politely, but she hated this kind of people in her heart.It is estimated that Boss Matt has no idea how good her skills are. He Bingtian personally taught her. It is estimated that neither of his two subordinates are her opponents.

He Yutian smiled softly, held her hand and put it to his lips, his apprentice, but she was the only one, and he had no reservations.It's just that when she was a child, she was lazy and spanked a lot. When she was caught to practice, she would say that it hurts and that hurts.As a result, this little girl learned half a bucket of water, but it was basically enough.

"Haha, that's good. Mr. He's women are just different."

There was a bit of appreciation in the eyes of Matt's boss.

For dinner, Boss Matt prepared a very rich local delicacies for them.

After dinner, He Feitian and Boss Matt went to the study for a secret talk.

Qiu Ling'er was bored, so she walked out of the villa and walked around the streets of Thailand.

It is under the shadow of neon lights that the streets are bright and red.

"Stinky girl, it's your luck that the boss likes you!"

(End of this chapter)

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