Chapter 210 The Underworld (6)

"It hurts me to death!..."

Qiu Ling'er rubbed her sore nose in pain, He Bingtian was so angry and funny, he wanted to take advantage of the heat and beat her up.

But in one move, the atmosphere was broken up.

He turned over, hugged her between his knees, and asked her, "Do you know 'Hei Di'?"

Black Emperor?Qiu Ling'er was startled, as if she didn't feel the pain, she fixedly looked into his rather deep pupils.

She subconsciously grabbed the hem of his chest, and he hooked his lips, looking at her with a nervous expression.

"Did your father or Gong Jingchen say it? I know, it wouldn't sound good to say it from them. However, 'Hei Di' is my empire."

He put her down, stood up, took a bottle of vodka from the wine cabinet, opened it with a "ding", and poured it into a crystal glass.

He turned around, stared at her, and smiled lightly.

Qiu Ling'er looked at him in shock, did what his father and Gong Jingchen said before, "Hei Di", really have something to do with him?
"Black Emperor" is synonymous with terror in Asia.

Asia's largest black market trade in drugs, arms, etc., is inseparable from the shadow of "Ye Di".

It is said that the leader of the "Black Emperor" is an Asian, so... is he really the leader of the "Black Emperor"?
He took a sip of the strong vodka in the cup, and then drank it all in one gulp!
He knelt on the sofa on one knee, in front of her, Obsidian's eyes looked a bit charming in the moonlight.

"Tomorrow, you will know everything. I don't want to hide it from you. You are my woman, and it's time to bear everything. When you were young, I don't want to tell you that 'God' is actually irrelevant to me. But having you there makes me feel important."

With his wine-colored lips, he gently touched her mouth, "It's late, go to sleep. I will wake you up early this morning."


She frowned, the smell of alcohol on her lips, even a little bit, made her uncomfortable.

She went into the room and opened the suitcase, found a light pink pajamas, and walked into the bathroom with her arms in her arms.

The bathtub is large, and there is a see-through skylight, so you can see the stars in the sky.

The whole tank was filled with warm water, and she soaked her whole body in it. After walking all night, she was really tired.

However, she tried her best to wipe her mouth, and wiped the place on her body where he kissed again, but, "Hei Di", is it really the officer's?
She stopped.

Like, the first time she saw him in her father's office, he was like a mysterious sea god floating over from nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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