Chapter 212 I am Mr. He's Woman
This room is very large, with more than a dozen rooms separated by walls on all sides, and each room has a large screen, one for each person.

In the center was a large round table, and Qiu Linger saw that it was a huge screen, which could be seen from the glass window of their wing room.

He Feitian and Qiu Ling'er entered the room, which was about [-] to [-] square meters. He Feitian operated on a large computer-like instrument, and the two sat on the side.

"Dear directors, now report, this month, our 'Hei Di' various industry data..."

At this time, the huge screen in the center of the room lit up, and then several pages of data appeared, all of which were confidential data.

Qiu Ling'er looked in surprise. It turned out that "Hei Di" not only deals in drugs and arms, but also in various industries in Asia.There are black and white, if these data are known by "Shadow", it will be dangerous.

"Mr. He, a few days ago, several stocks we invested in various countries plummeted, and we lost [-] billion." An Israeli economist who is a director said.

"Who is the other party?"

He Feitian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's 'Shadow'."

His eyes flicked to Qiu Ling'er, who was slightly shocked when she heard the name "Ming Ying".

"Don't worry, 'Shadow' doesn't know our strength, Mr. Ladd, you put pressure on the ministers of several countries, and the matter will be resolved soon."


Qiu Ling'er ran out of the airtight conference room. The ventilation equipment in the conference room was actually very good, but she felt suffocated.

"Hey!~ I thought she was a peerless beauty, but it turned out to be just a small and inconspicuous Chinese girl."

A head of wavy brown hair fell charmingly on both sides of her shoulders, her brown pupils were daubed with bright colors, and she stared at Qiu Ling'er contemptuously with a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes.

Qiu Ling'er turned around from the railing beside the transparent window, and what she saw was the woman she saw in the restaurant of Yunding Hotel yesterday.

That woman is definitely not Chinese, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a sharp nose, tall and tall, with a Western European taste.

Could it be a mixed race?
"who are you?"

Qiu Ling'er asked, looking at her unfriendly eyes and sarcastic words, she must not be a friend.

"Who am I?! Hahaha, I am Mr. He's previous woman, can't you think of it?"

The woman laughed loudly, and her jealous and complicated Danfeng eyes stared straight at Qiu Ling'er.

She has been with Mr. He for several years, and she has never been able to enter the meeting room casually.

Even to come here, it took a lot of connections and a lot of effort to come here.

This is the core place of "Hei Di", and non-important figures of "Hei Di" are not allowed to come here.

But this unremarkable Chinese girl was able to come to this place and enter Mr. He's conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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