Chapter 219

"You...then I'll take Xiaoche away, and I'll raise it myself, don't worry about it."

How difficult it is to raise a child, she used to work part-time and raise Xiaoche at the same time, it was OK!

Who stipulated that there must be a man to raise a child, and he just said that he would send Xiao Che to an orphanage, so he shouldn't be raised by him!

"How dare you?! I'll hang you up and beat you up."

Gong Jingchen was so angry that if she didn't spank her butt, she wouldn't learn to behave.Not only did he run away from marriage, but he also carried Xiao Che away in his arms. He frantically searched for their mother and child all over the world. Why would he do such a worthless thing!


At this time, a strange voice sounded between the two.

"What are you doing?!"

Gong Jingchen looked at her with a stinky face.

She was slightly embarrassed, "I'm hungry, I'm going to eat, don't come with me, the emperor is too big to eat, ah!"

She was picked up by Hengkong, carried her on his broad shoulders, and strode out.

"Hey! Let me down! I'm so ashamed, so ashamed, I want you to be shameless, I'm a lady anyway..."

With a slap on her beautiful buttocks, he narrowed his eyes slightly, "What are you talking about? Lady, you can't touch her at all."

Woohoo, why are you beating people like this! "Although I am a killer, I am also a woman, so shameful..."

"If you know you'll lose face, don't run away from marriage. You know that day when you ran away from marriage, I faced a lot of guests by myself. I was even more humiliated than you!"

Thinking of that day, he racked his brains to find her father and prepare everything for the wedding. When he came home in the evening, he found that she was not in the room.

He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and immediately sent people around to look for her.

Later, it was found that she made an ocean call from a public phone booth on the street.

She was then taken away by a car and then by a helicopter of unknown origin.

He dealt with the mess she left behind by himself, facing countless surprised and mocking eyes, he wished he could find her in some corner of the world, and whip her up!
However, after that, he went crazy looking for her all over the world.

He has been paying attention to the movement of the world, especially in Asia. Yesterday, a gangster shooting case caught his attention.

The other party is a well-known arms dealer in Israel, but he is known for his lust, has played with many women from various countries, and has a strict wife.

However, this time he was attacked in the middle of the night by a group of men in black, and it was obvious that he was shot by the underworld. With Fei De's status as the "Black Emperor", anyone who dared to kill him must have a high position.

Then it's obvious, if it's not He Bingtian or anyone else.That pervert must have offended a woman somewhere, and was brutally killed by He Bingtian.

That woman, he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't think of anyone other than that very underwhelming woman!
Qiu Linger is in Malaysia.

When he got the news, he immediately rushed over from China by helicopter, bringing only one subordinate.

In fact, he already had close contact with the local police and the FBI, and with his and Xuehu's skills, he didn't have to worry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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