Chapter 237

It’s not too much to advertise a book once, hehe~
Dangdang!Recommend Ye's three books (click the pen name of "Phoenix Ye" in the Book City, and you can see all the books written by Ye)——

[-]. A relaxed and humorous ancient time travel article: "The Evil King's Passion: Falling in Love with the Concubine of the Sacrifice"

Introduction: After finally booking a room in the largest presidential suite in this city, I want to throw down my favorite senior... strong~!Unexpectedly, he crossed over at a critical moment.Well, time travel is time travel, she is unlucky!But, is there a need for her to be sacrificed as soon as she wears it, and dedicated to that bloodthirsty king?Next, she not only wiped her back, served her bed, and gave do the whole set, and triple jump to the position of the princess.

Dear king, don't you remember?I'm just a sacrifice!

[-]. Modern Youth Campus: "Love of Mischief: Don't Mess with Your Highness the Prince"

Introduction: Seeing her panicked reaction, a hint of amusement suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he walked towards her step by step.

"Are you a fan who followed me here? Girls are getting bolder now."

"Hey, what are you doing?" He was too close to her, so close that her heart was beating wildly, her face was flushed, and her back was against the tree trunk, she felt powerless like a trapped animal.

"I think..." His eyes sparkled with passion, making him look like a charming playboy. "You know, when a man and a woman are alone together, something should happen..."

His voice was magnetic and gentle, and his cold fingertips gently brushed the skin of her cheeks, making her heart tremble a little.

[-]. A light-hearted and humorous ancient time travel article: "Refused to become a full-time member: Xianggong, the concubine is polite!" "

Introduction: "Birth me a son."

"Sir, I'm just a concubine, I don't do this kind of thing."

"When the third prince comes to our house, remember to dress decently and receive him."

"Sanggong, have you forgotten? I'm just a concubine, and I usually don't go to halls."

"What exactly does that concubine do?" There was a voice of grinding teeth.

"My concubine, I usually just admire the flowers, flutter the butterflies, and meet up with my sisters for thirteen circles in my spare time, or I just dress up as a man and go out to visit brothels..."

"Then why should I marry you?" She gritted her teeth.

"I'd like to ask you this, hey, my husband, why are you marrying me when you have nothing to do?"


"Sir, the daughter of Chen Yuanwai, the richest man in the city, is knowledgeable in books and etiquette, well-educated, and has a generous dowry. It is best to marry her as a wife."

"Xiaodao, report back to Mr. Chen, I will call off this marriage!"

"Sanggong, the daughter of owner Zhong of the tailor shop. Although she is a little ugly, a little lazy, and a little stuttering, it's okay to marry her with her eyes closed."

"Since that's the case, why are you here, Xiaodao, back off!" He waved his hand.

"My lord, the tenant farmer Uncle Li's daughter is industrious and thrifty, beautiful and virtuous, it would be a good idea to marry her as a wife."

"Xiaodao, tell Li Tiannong that I am calling off this marriage!"

"The best, the worst, and the average ones, you all quit. Dare I ask, Mr., what kind of woman do you want to marry."

He pinched her beautiful chin, and said with deep eyes:
"A woman like you."


"Sir, I heard that I am the princess."

She lifted half of her eyelids and said.

"Then make it a regular job. From a concubine to a wife."

"That's impossible. A wife has a great responsibility. She has to bear the responsibility of carrying on the family line. She has to be dignified, go to the hall, and manage the affairs of the estate. She can't play horseshoes, and she can't go to brothels... So, I won't become a regular!"

"Yu Xiaoqing!"


Friends are welcome to step on it~~, leave a paw, or make a brick, as long as you come to join us, you will be very happy at night.

(End of this chapter)

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