Chapter 244
He seemed to be eating something she made for the first time.

Before, she never cooked at home, because Qiu's family also hired a good cook.

Because he often went to eat at her house, so the cook was basically hired by him secretly.

The dishes are delicious.

He pulled her to sit on his lap, her face flushed, and she returned to normal, just sitting quietly.

"In the future, just ask the cook to do it. You don't have to work so hard for this kind of thing."

He grabbed her hand, and there were some burns, which must be caused by not being used to the heat of cooking.

"It's okay, I can do it."

She shook her head lightly and retracted her hand.It's just a little burn. I've taken medicine and I'm fine.

He didn't mind that she withdrew her hand and let her go.He straightened himself up, picked up the soup with his hands—spoonful spoonfully put it into his mouth.The taste is light, and there is a taste of mustard green.

Although the taste is not excellent, it is easy to drink.

He drank the whole cup and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, as if he still had more to say.

Seeing that she just finished drinking, she put down the napkin and stood up.

"I'll come back later tonight to bring you a present."

He walked over, put his arms around her slender waist, stared at her and said.

"it is good."

She replied lightly, she knew that he and Hei Lang spent the night in the study dealing with business, and would definitely go out today.

That's fine, she can do her own thing too, that's even better.

"Linger, let's get married."

he said suddenly.


"We can get married first, and then develop a relationship. I can wait for you to like me, whenever you like me."

He Feitian suddenly stared at her with some urgency.

Qiu Ling'er stared at him lightly.

"No, sir." She collected her expression and said seriously:
"Unless I fall in love with someone, otherwise, I won't get married."


He Yutian squeezed her hand.

She was in pain, but she didn't frown, she just looked at him coldly.

"In this life, if you haven't fallen in love with me, you can never fall in love with any man!"

He turned around abruptly and strode out.The hand at his side was clenched tightly, he knew she was fulfilling what she had said before.She was learning to like him, learning to love him, but she didn't know that he felt a little flustered in his heart.

After he left, Qiu Ling'er went back to her room and changed into a formal pure white dress. She had applied for a job in a company yesterday and was going to an interview today.

He Feitian didn't know about this, but he said that she could move freely in this city.

(End of this chapter)

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