Chapter 262 I Know What's Best For You

Qiu Ling'er raised her head and looked straight into his shining and affectionate black eyes, as if something had drawn her in, she stared at him obsessively.

Gong Jingchen's warm tongue licked away the tears on her cheeks, and then she realized that she was crying again.

"She loves to cry so much, she doesn't look like that naughty and confused little girl anymore."

Gong Jingchen lightly kissed the tip of her small reddish nose, and teased fondly.

"It doesn't look like it doesn't look like it. I don't want you to worry about it."

She pushed him away, and he put his hands on her slender waist, relentlessly embracing her.She looked at his shirt blown by the sea breeze, revealing his entire muscular chest muscles, she blushed slightly, "You put on your clothes first."

No wonder the nymphomaniacs kept screaming just now. Even though this guy was injured, his figure was still so strong and tall, better than the most famous male models nowadays.

"Of course, my wife." He smiled and bit her ear, and said.

Ye Che obediently brought over his father's coat, Gong Jingchen buttoned up his shirt, and casually put on the coat.

"Mommy, there are seagulls!"

At this moment, Ye Che excitedly pointed to the sky and shouted.

Qiu Ling'er looked over, and there were indeed several seagulls flying overhead, playing in the sky.

Behind him was a warm and muscular body, his slender waist was tightly embraced by a pair of arms, and his thick and hot breath filled his ears.

"If you like to watch it, let's just watch it here for the rest of our lives."

Ye Che was not willing to be lonely, he stepped forward and hugged Mommy's thigh, "I don't want Mommy to be snatched away by Daddy alone."

Seeing Ye Che's funny look, Qiu Ling'er couldn't help laughing.

She raised her head, facing Shang Gong Jingchen's bright black eyes, he bent down and kissed her lips.

She had subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck, raised her heels, and kissed him back.

At night, Gong Jingchen carried Qiu Ling'er into the cabin's bedroom, closed the door, and prevented Ye Che from entering.

He took off all the clothes on his body and untied hers too.Qiu Ling'er grabbed his hand and looked at him in embarrassment.

"Baby, my body has been longing for you for so long."

He whispered in her ear, his hand has been quietly inserted into the clothes, one side of the smock has been removed, and the entire palm is covered with a plump top.

She shivered, and suddenly a mass of heat shot up from her lower abdomen.

He kneaded a little ignorantly, "You... bully people!"

Qiu Ling'er punched him in the chest, and he took the opportunity to take off her corset completely, and the black pupils jumped into a deep and burning light and said:

"I know what's best for you, so don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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