Chapter 268 Infatuation
"Yeah, Mommy, Daddy said he would teach me to surf in the future."

"He's a liar."

She didn't want him to do such a dangerous thing at such a young age.

"Will Daddy's nose grow?"


"Mommy, you said your nose wouldn't grow..."

"To shut up!"

~~~~~ Silence.

Ye Che shrank his neck and looked at Mummy, Mummy is so fierce.

"Mommy, Daddy hasn't caught up yet."

Ye Che looked back, Gong Jingchen saw that they had run away and was about to catch up.

"Leave him."

Qiu Ling'er said angrily: "Anyway, he likes to attract others, so why not show it to someone!"

Ye Che covered his mouth and smiled secretly, it turns out that Mommy is really tasty!
However, not only are there many bees and butterflies around Daddy, but there are also many around Mommy.

However, as soon as he came ashore, Daddy deliberately aimed at Mommy. Could it be intentional, Daddy wants Mommy to eat?
"Xiao Che, go shopping for this, we'll go there later."

Gong Jingchen ran up, handed Ye Che a gold card, and drove him to go shopping.Just kidding, when two adults spend time, let a child get in the way while playing.

"Oh yeah! I want to buy a lot of delicious food!"

Xiao Che got out of his mother's arms, took the golden card given by his father, and hurried to the high-end store more than ten meters away.

"Hey!" Qiu Ling'er was about to run, she was weird, why did she chase Xiao Che away.

The slender waist was suddenly embraced by the strong arms behind him, "Let's talk." His low and warm breath sprayed into her ears.

"What are we talking about?!"

Qiu Ling'er blushed in embarrassment and wanted to push him, but he didn't push him away, but he was pinned under a palm tree instead, with his arms clasped by her sides.

He pressed her lower body tightly, staring at her as shiny as a black pearl.

"are you angry?"

"Why are you angry? Not angry!"

She puffed up and said, a little embarrassed, how did he know she was angry?
He didn't pay attention to her willful answer, but there was a gleam in his eyes.He smiled lowly, showing a bit of genuine joy,

"You are finally angry, that means you really care about me. I remember before, when Gong Shi was my secretary, you said that I was not angry at all when I met my lover and fiancee. I was so angry. It was also extremely frustrating, That means you don't like me at all, I've tried my best to threaten you, and I don't want to be my woman."

Ever since he was a child, all women have been eager to come rushing to him, and he has never used any woman to give him a single thought.This killer who came out of nowhere was skilled, self-willed and confused, but he didn't know it, so he was so obsessed, so obsessed.

Knowing that there is another man behind her, he used tricks for the first time to obtain her body.

Then, having kids is even better.

Then she was his.

It was the first time he had the idea of ​​getting married, the first time he wanted to have a child with her, anyway, he was attracted to her, no matter who was behind her, he would never let go of her for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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