Chapter 270 Uneasy Heart

Qiu Ling'er nodded, it's still quite hot here in summer, she held Ye Che's hand with one hand.

On the other side, Gong Jingchen took her delicate catkin and walked towards the shopping mall together.

From his father's mouth, he learned that "Tian Shen" is now under the management of senior brother Feng Xingtian. Feng Xing is a calm and cautious person with good skills, so he is the most suitable person to manage "Tian Shen".

The "God of Heaven" quickly got on the right track, and the people inside respected He Bingtian, but were gradually subdued by Feng Xingtian. On the surface, everything is calm now.Qiu Ling'er thought, He Bingtian's acquiescence was also involved in this.

The days passed quickly, and soon more than a month passed.

One day, Qiu Ling'er poured a cup of tea and gave it to Gong Jingchen who was having a "Ming Ying" video conference in the study.

She declined the maid's kind help, and walked into Gong Jingchen's study with a beautiful porcelain cup. There was also a video room inside. She pushed the door and was about to go in, but she heard a familiar name from inside.

"Boss, let's make a quick decision on He Bingtian's matter. This matter cannot be delayed. This is our best chance for 'Ming Ying' to eradicate 'Hei Di' and clear the influence of 'Hei Di' in all parts of Asia."

"Boss, we need to deploy as soon as possible..."

"I'll think about it again." Gong Jingchen hesitated, his brows furrowed, unlike his usual style.

"Boss, the day after tomorrow the FBI will take action at Junshang Wharf. If we don't take advantage of this opportunity, it will be very difficult to attack 'Hei Di' in the future." Ouyang Junjun said over there again.

"I said to think about it, that's it, the meeting is adjourned."


Gong Jingchen cut off the screen without hesitation.He stood up, stood by the empty window, and lit a cigarette.

It stands to reason that eradicating the "Black Emperor" has always been their goal.However, he hesitated now because of his wife's relationship.

"What are you thinking? Do you have such a headache?"

Qiu Ling'er walked in with a smile, put down the teacup, took the cigarette from his hand, and put it in the ashtray to squeeze.

She didn't like the smell of tobacco very much, her father never smoked, and He Bingtian tried not to smoke in front of her before.

"It's okay, didn't you go to the playground with Xiaoche today?"

Gong Jingchen walked over with a smile, stretched his arms around her slim waist from the front, stared at her with deep black eyes and asked.

"I just came back. There are too many people in the playground today. I don't want to sweat for nothing, so I just came back earlier."

Qiu Ling'er simply leaned against his chest, a strong and generous chest, listening to the strong heartbeat, can make people feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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