Chapter 274 Strong Taste

"How's your leg, sir?"

Qiu Ling'er moved her somewhat pale face and looked at He Bingtian sitting on the wheelchair beside the bed. He Bingtian looked at her with a cold face.

Could it be that He Bingtian's thigh was hit that day, causing the injury.The thigh was still covered with a thick cast and covered with a blanket.

"Master wants to save you, thigh..."

"Bubber, don't be too busy! Bring the lady's food here."

At this time, a housekeeper from a villa in a certain country in Asia walked into the ward, holding a food box in his hand.

After being reprimanded coldly by He Yutian, he lowered his head and took it respectfully, and put it on Qiu Linger's bedside table.

"Bobble, watch her finish the food."

After He Yutian ordered coldly, he turned the wheelchair and pushed it straight out.

His back left the door, the door was closed tightly, Qiu Ling'er was startled, the officer seemed very angry.

"Bubber, how's the sir's leg? Is the gunshot wound serious?"

Qiu Ling'er asked anxiously, not even looking at the food that Barber handed over after helping her sit up.

"The master rescued you on the shore. In order to save you, regardless of the leg injury, he ran a long way to the hospital with you in his arms. The dean checked and said that the leg was almost useless. After being soaked in seawater for so long, Moreover, it has traveled such a long way.”

Barber sighed heavily, "Master doesn't know if he can stand up again in this life."

Qiu Linger was startled.

"Fortunately, miss, you are fine. When the master rescued you from the shore, his breathing was very weak, and his face was very pale. The master almost thought that he could not save you.

The master waited for you outside the operating room with a high fever for a long time, until one day and one night later, the doctor came out and said that he successfully took out the bullet in your chest and saved you. "

The spoon in Qiu Ling'er's hand fell.

"I see, Bob, pass me the food box, and I'll do it myself."

She took a spoonful of light porridge and put it in her mouth. It had a light taste and a strong feeling.

Such a proud man, sir, has a crippled thigh...

If he hadn't saved her, he wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury.

Shot in the leg, soaked in sea water for so long, still holding her to rescue her from the shore, and ran to the hospital.

Tears dripped into the gruel, and she took spoonfuls of it in her mouth.

Unknowingly, after drinking a whole cup of porridge, she lay down to rest under the support of Bob.

I slept for another whole day, and by the next morning, my chest pain was no longer so painful.

(End of this chapter)

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