Chapter 286
"Is Ah Chen still like that?" The other end of the phone sighed, Qiu Bitian hesitated, and then said:

"The police asked me to confirm that day. Although I didn't quite believe it, the appearance was surprisingly the same. Besides Ling'er, could there be anyone else? Even tiny moles on the body, can I not believe it?"

There was a bit of sadness in Qiu Bitian's tone, and then he put aside the topic and said:

"Okay, I will transfer the money to your account, Xiao Che, I know you have always been independent, even if you are not allowed to go, you must go. It is not bad to go to participate and let yourself gain knowledge. .”

"Thank you grandpa."

Ye Che put down the phone and let out a sigh.Finally, the problem of funds has been solved. Although he is the only son of the president of the huge Gong Group in China, he is only eight years old and does not have much funds under his control.

Usually, he always dismisses the gold card. It seems that one day he will ask his grandpa for a gold card for fun.It should be easy for grandpa to love him so much.

For the rest, he just worked hard to practice marksmanship well, and when that day came, he would not lose face to the Chinese.He didn't know what he would encounter that day, which really made him look forward to it.

~~~~~~ I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival~~~~~
Two months later, the Asian Teen Shooting Contest was held in country G.

"Daddy, Mommy, hurry up! People will think that I have abstained later, so it's no match."

Outside the door, Xiaoyan hurriedly knocked on the door.

"I didn't expect you to come to Xiaoyan's game."

Qiu Ling'er helped He Bingtian fasten the buttons on his collar, and said with a smile.

She and her daughter Xiaoyan came to the hotel a long time ago. Because of He Wentian's business trip, he thought he would not come to country G.Only after his helicopter parked on the roof of the hotel last night did she know that he finished his work ahead of schedule and rushed to country G.

"If I don't come, Xiaoyan will be angry. Didn't I promise her before?"

He Yutian held her slender white hand and put it on his lips to kiss. His leg injury was almost healed, and he could already walk.

However, Qiu Ling'er still took care of him as before, which moved him very much.

"It's just a small competition. There are so many masters from all over Asia. Xiaoyan has only learned marksmanship for two months, so it's hard to get the first prize."

Qiu Ling'er smiled softly. A four-year-old girl forced herself to enter the youth competition. As long as her grades were not bad, she would be satisfied.

"I really believe in Xiaoyan's strength, the top three should not be a problem."

He Feitian, on the other hand, had great confidence in Xiaoyan, laughed loudly, and took Qiu Linger's hand to go out together.

(End of this chapter)

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