Chapter 289 I will be responsible
After a few shots, Byres turned his eyes to look at her, his eyes were still cold, but a hint of surprise flashed across his green eyes.

Ye Che stared at her curiously, and said with great interest, "Hey, you really know how to shoot a gun? Who taught you, it seems that your skills are not bad."

If you are not good at it, you will not be able to enter the top three.Except for the strange European next to him, this little girl who looks only four years old is actually so powerful.

"I want you to take care of it! My dad taught me."

Xiaoyan curled her lips, and said with some complacency in her heart.

However, she also admired the two people next to them. They are accurate marksmanship and sharp eyesight. They must not be ordinary people.

As soon as Baires played a round, he turned around handsomely, picked up the mineral water handed to him by the butler, and gulped it down.

"Hey, why are you ignoring people?"

A pair of big round eyes blinked curiously and said.

Byres choked on a mouthful of water and almost spat it out. He wiped his mouth with a towel, threw it away, and said, "Go away."

"Hey! Why are you so rude, I'm talking to you, don't you know?"

Xiaoyan crossed Xiaoman's waist angrily and stared at him and said.

It's strange to see him, he always has a cold and handsome face, ignoring everyone, it's strange.

"I didn't call you here."

Byres coolly ignored him at all and turned away.

"Hey, you..."

Xiaoyan was about to walk over to reason, but he turned around and pushed her, his hands just touched her chest.

Xiaoyan suddenly became angry from embarrassment, raised her hand and slapped him, "Shameless, scoundrel!"

Byres' face was also flushed, he didn't mean it, he just wanted to push her away, but he didn't expect to touch her chest...

Xiaoyan angrily ignored her again, grabbed the water that Hei Lang handed her, drank it in small sips, and wiped her sweat with a towel.

In the next round of shooting, Byres obviously made several mistakes. He glanced at Xiaoyan, but Xiaoyan turned her head away from him angrily.

Ye Che always looked at these two people curiously, what happened?
He played very well all the way. Even if Byres didn't make mistakes and Xiaoyan played hard, he still led the way. It seems that there is no problem in winning the first place.

In the end, Bailes finally played the next two rounds seriously. His marksmanship was already better than Xiaoyan's, and he was evenly matched with Ye Che. He only made two mistakes, and he came in second, and Xiaoyan was third.

When receiving the medal, Bailes handed Xiaoyan a small note, "I'm sorry."

Xiaoyan stopped being angry a long time ago, and just asked him mischievously, "Then are you responsible?"

Bailes turned his head slightly in shock, his originally cold green eyes were softened, his handsome face was slightly flushed, and his eyes were shining brightly, which made Xiaoyan stunned.

In fact, Bailes is very handsome, and he must be a handsome guy in the future.

"My name is Bailes, the Italian Reis family, this is my phone number, as long as you have anything, you can call me."

Byres handed her a piece of paper, his gaze was only on her, not cold,

"I will take charge."

He walked away from her lightly, the housekeeper handed him a black coat, he turned around and glanced at Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan stared at him blankly, Bailes... He said that he would be responsible.

Looking at his receding figure, she seemed to feel that this was not the last time she saw him, and maybe they would meet again after many years.

And at that time, what kind of person will he meet?

At this time, Hei Lang was beside her and said:
"The Italian Reis family is the largest underworld family in Italy. I heard that the only son of Mr. Harley, who is in power, is just seven years old this year, and his name is Baires."

(End of this chapter)

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