Chapter 291
"Uncle Ouyang, what's the matter? Do you know Xiaoyan and the others?"

Ye Che tilted his head and asked in confusion. He always felt that Uncle Ouyang was watching them go, which was weird.

"Is her name Xiaoyan?"

Ouyang Junjun was thoughtful, "Forget it, let's go, the boss is waiting for us in the coffee shop outside. You won the No.1 in the Asian Youth Shooting Competition, the boss will be very happy."

"Okay, hey, it's still my father and a few uncles who taught me well. I have no rivals in China, even in Asia."

Ye Che triumphantly held the trophy, and walked out while being held by Ouyang Junjun.

"Haha, of course, we are not ordinary people, of course, your marksmanship is incomparable with ordinary people."

Ouyang Jun said proudly that since he was a child, his boss's marksmanship has surpassed the international level, and he can even deal with ordinary international first-class killers with ease.With him teaching Ye Che since he was a child, Ye Che certainly wouldn't be much worse.

Even a few of their subordinates are good at marksmanship.Later, he frowned again, and had to tell the boss about it quickly, why did the child named Xiaoyan look so similar to his sister-in-law.

Moreover, she will be by He Bingtian's side. Could it be that, really, the sister-in-law is not dead?
The high-end coffee shop outside the venue is full of fire.All the guests felt a thick smoke coming from the three of them at the table by the window.

Gradually, the number of customers in the coffee shop gradually decreased, and those who came didn't stay for a long time, and hurried out again.

Gong Jingchen sat opposite He Feitian and Qiu Linger, his eyes were full of anger and coldness.

He Feitian curled his thin lips slightly, picked up the coffee, and took a sip gracefully.

Qiu Ling'er lowered her head, not daring to raise her head to meet Shang Gong Jingchen's eyes filled with great anger.

The slender fingertips twisted and twisted, and the already white fingertips became even more slender.

"Can you explain, what's going on here?"

Until the waiter brought Gong Jingchen a cup of hot coffee, but he didn't even drink it, so he asked with a calm and handsome face.

"Ling'er is already my woman, and we have a child, it's as simple as that."

He Feitian put down the porcelain coffee cup, raised his lips, and said.

Qiu Ling'er twisted her hands even harder.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Gong Jingchen clenched his fists on the table, his black eyes were full of anger, looking at him, maybe he would swing his fist at the man opposite him in the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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