Chapter 302 Finale (7)

She went to the airport quickly, bought a plane ticket, and immediately took a plane to rush there. It was already the afternoon three days later when she got there.

Sure enough, He Bingtian's name was found in the hospital, but, according to people, he went to the mountain behind.

She put her luggage in the hospital and ran up the mountain.

The wind scrapes her skin harshly.

She was wearing a coat and felt cold too.

However, she couldn't care about the cold on her body.

Why did the officer leave?

If it hadn't been for a certain time, He Feitian would not have asked Gong Jingchen to pick her up. She knew how much he hated Gong Jingchen.

Could it be, could it be, sir... the body has changed, is it very bad?

She has been worried, but, did it come so fast...

She ran up the mountain crazily, and a few stones tripped her feet, she fell down, got up again and continued to run.

On the edge of the cliff, there was a tall and tall figure, his black coat was flying in the cold wind.

His obsidian eyes faced the cold wind indifferently while suffering.

"Sir, why are you leaving?"

She stumbled and came to him, and asked aggrievedly with tears in her eyes.

He turned and walked towards her.

"Don't cry." He gently wiped the tears from her eyes,

"I should be thankful that there is still Gong Jingchen who can take care of you, so I can rest assured."

"You lied! You don't want others to take care of me at all."

she accused.

If he wanted Gong Jingchen to take care of him, he wouldn't let her stay with him for five years, and he hated Gong Jingchen for taking her away from him.

"Ling'er, you really understand me."

His slender fingers caressed her cheeks, caressing them gently, with deep nostalgia in his eyes.

"Sir, are you feeling unwell again? I'll take you to the hospital right away."

She watched in amazement that his habitually warm fingertips were a little cold, and she looked into his eyes, where, apart from the darkness, there was obvious pain.

"It's useless, I've seen the best brain department in the world, and it's useless at all."

He Bingtian pulled her to sit down on a big tree beside the cliff, the tree was big enough to shield her from the wind, and his tall figure shielded her from the wind.

He held her in his arms, leaned on his broad chest, and kissed her smooth forehead.

"Ling'er, I love you, but I can't take care of you. I will return you to Gong Jingchen."

He said in a low voice, when she froze, he said softly again:
"I hope Xiaoyan can inherit the Black Emperor."

She trembled, it turned out that this was the reason why he had been teaching Xiaoyan so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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