Chapter 312 Extra Story 1 (Unique High Price)

Bailes was shocked.

That kind of eyes, why are they so similar, the stubborn beautiful eyes in his heart that he wants to forget and never want to forget.

Over the years, deep in his heart, there has always been a pair of naughty and stubborn little girl's eyes, which were when he was seven years old.

In Europe, he heard that there was going to be a juvenile shooting competition in Asia. He heard that there were a lot of talents in Asia, and there were many masters. There was a young man who went to Europe to kill the leader of a world-class killer organization, and it was a sensation at the time.

He dyed his hair brown right away, only the eyes couldn't fake it, and that was okay.As long as you find a relationship, it's not difficult at all.

He and his housekeeper, Bo Lan, took the plane directly to Asian Country G to participate in the Asian Teen Shooting Contest.

In the arena, he met a male and a female Asians with good marksmanship, especially the girl who looked only three or four years old.

He has always been indifferent to people, and the general Asians here make him disdain to associate, but the little girl came to talk to him again and again, and he finally pushed him angrily.


His face blushed subconsciously, and the next moment, someone slapped his face for the first time.

However, he couldn't get angry at all, because of those beautiful eyes that were burning with anger.

He said sorry, and finally gave someone his phone number for the first time, but he shook hands, and she didn't call him once.

Later, he checked the venue information, only her name was Xiaoyan, no surname, no address, her nationality was unknown, and she didn't even know where to find her.

As if in a lifetime, those misty and clear black eyes appeared in front of him in the venue of thousands of people, under the neon lights.

He couldn't help but walked forward, when everyone saw him, they hurriedly opened a way for him.

"$40, $50, $70, $100 million..."

There was still a climax of bidding in the venue, and the atmosphere could only rise but not fall.

He gently moved his lips and said a price:

"Five million dollars."

He stood further in front, so that he could see her skin covered in tulle more clearly. She was fair and jade-like, with a well-proportioned figure. Under the neon lights, those misty eyes were even more compelling. Mystery.

He looked straight into her eyes.

The audience was in an uproar, and there had never been such a precedent.

This price is higher than the value of the world's most beautiful female slave in the VIP room, even in the past, and in the future, it will be unique.

(End of this chapter)

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