Chapter 319 Extra Story 1 (Shrouded by Mysterious Organization)
He Xiaoyan, He Xiaoyan knew her brother's reaction was this way, "It's time for the dance, brother, let me introduce a beautiful woman to accompany you to dance the first dance."

He Xiaoyan dragged a classmate to Ye Che. This classmate was named Shao Meimei, and she was one of the daughters of the company who admired Ye Che.

"Brother, I flashed, you dance with Shao Meimei!"

Ye Che looked at He Xiaoyan, who was flashing so fast, and at Xiao Jiabiyu, who was blushing and adoring, and his teeth itched with hatred.

But in front of the beauties, he had to refuse a gentleman, so he had to politely invite Shao Meimei to the dance floor, and successfully made Shao Meimei the rake of the jealous arrows of many girls at the ball.

However, he had a faint feeling in his heart that something was wrong and something beyond his control was about to happen.

A week later, He Xiaoyan successfully boarded a flight to Europe with Nick on board.

Nick looked helplessly at the excited He Xiaoyan. Originally, there were two people in the "Shadow" who wanted to come.But he persuaded them to quit, if they saw He Xiaoyan here, Ye Che would beat him to death!

"Nick, you are such a good friend, you can leave your pursuit of senior sister to me!"

He Xiaoyan put away her bag with a smile and said that she lied to her brother yesterday that she was going back to school and was about to start school.

So, my brother didn't even know that she came to Europe.

Anyway, she only went for two or three days, and she came back, nothing happened at all.Brother still thinks she is a three-year-old child, don't forget, she is still the eldest lady of "Hei Di", most people should be afraid of her!

What happened in European country H was just an accident, and there will never be a next time.

That man... there will be no next time, right?

She shook her head, why did that man with blond hair and green eyes overlap with a deep image in her heart? It was just a coincidence, just a coincidence.

Moreover, why did I go to country H again this time, where a very mysterious organizational force shrouded it.Although it was a different city, it still gave her a strange feeling.

She seemed to be back where she started.

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine." He Xiaoyan turned around and smiled at Nick.

"This time, you have to be obedient, and you can't run around anywhere. It seems that the security of European H country is not very good, we have to be careful."

Nick said somewhat worriedly.

Although both of them are very skilled, but this is Europe, a place where "Shadow" can't reach.

(End of this chapter)

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