Chapter 339 Extra Episode 1 (Obsession)
Not only was he dizzy, but his feet also seemed to be floating lightly, but it didn't seem to be really floating, it seemed to be hugged.

After reaching the roof and entering a helicopter with propellers on, she finally woke up.

She pushed Byres away and tapped on the window, which was locked.

At this time, the helicopter had already started to take off, and she was getting higher and higher from the ground.

"Here's your breakfast. If you hadn't stayed in bed and refused to get up, we could have had a good breakfast."

Bailes casually threw a bag of bread over and handed her a bottle of milk.

"I don't want to go to Italy, I want to go home."

She tore open the bag of bread and took a bite depressed. The family must not know that she is on the way to Italy now.

By the way, what happened to Nick, after we separated from Nick at the casino yesterday, where did he go?
"How is Nick?"

She couldn't help asking.

"It has been sent back to China."

Baires said lightly, and also picked up the document on the side and lowered his head to read it.

"deliver"? !Is it because they are forced to leave the country? !

He Xiaoyan glared at him.

This guy didn't even raise his head, he was reading the document very seriously, he seemed to be very busy all day.


She took another bite of the bread, choked on it, and quickly drank another sip of milk to feel better.

Judging by his appearance, he shouldn't do anything to Nick.Although she is not familiar with him, but he has a feeling of trust, even if brother Ye Che treats her the same.

It is very trustworthy and reassuring.

After finishing her breakfast, she turned to look out the window, a blue and white sky with white clouds floating.

"There are still more than ten hours before arriving in Italy. If you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while."

Byres had put down the document at some point, sat beside her, and said while holding her hand.

Her face turned red, why is his action always so natural, of course, he regards her as his girlfriend.

Could it be that he really believed what she said when she was a child and made him responsible.And at that time, he also agreed.

She met his deep blue green eyes like sea water, and there was a cluster of light in them, and her face turned even redder.

Baires also stared at her soft and charming face, remembering the mysterious and very charming oriental woman on the stage that he saw in the ordinary hall that day.The beautiful obsidian eyes are mysterious, but also shining brightly and charmingly.

He slender and subconsciously came to her soft chin, lifted it lightly, slowly bowed his head, and covered her bright red lips...

(End of this chapter)

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