Chapter 346 Episode 1 (Italian Cuisine)

The dishes on the table are all Italian specialties. Italian cooking is famous for its exquisite dishes in the world.He Xiaoyan cut the tender Angus steak and chewed it in her mouth with a delicate fork. The taste of the dish was exceptional.

There are also a lot of seafood and desserts on the table, all paying attention to the original taste, creating a layered and multiple tastes. It seems that the people of the Reis family are all gourmets.

"Is it still to your liking?"

Bailes looked at her and asked, and ordered his servants to give her a glass of red wine.

"Very good, thank you, the food is delicious."

He Xiaoyan said frankly to Harley and Bailes.

"As long as you like it. Drink some red wine. This wine is brewed in your own cellar. It tastes good. Try it."

Bailes motioned to pick up the clear crystal wine glass, the fine wine in the wine gleamed brightly under the soft light, very dazzling.

He Xiaoyan also picked up the wine glass subconsciously, unlike her mother, she can't drink together.

Maybe she inherited her father's drinking capacity, so she can drink a little too.

She put the crystal wine glass to her mouth, took a sip, and the fragrance was brewed in her mouth, and there was a unique fragrance of flowers, which had a deep meaning.

She has never drunk this kind of red wine, it is very fragrant, no wonder, it is specially brewed by the Lace family, and it is generally not available outside.

After dinner, He Xiaoyan thanked Mr. Halley politely, and Bailes took her hand and went for a walk in the woods outside the villa.

Byres' hands were warm, not like those slender ones, but slightly cold.His hands gave a sense of reassurance, like the person he was.

"I can go by myself."

He Xiaoyan put her hands behind her back, there are people along this road, this area is all property of the Lacey family, there are gardeners in the garden, workers in the pasture, and many servants of various people.

They all looked at Bailes holding her hand in surprise and ambiguity. Perhaps they had never seen a woman beside Bailes holding hands so intimately.

After walking this way, she realized how big this area is. There are sparkling sea water, secluded woods, and a piece of green grass.

It seems that this is still a good place for vacation.

Bailes didn't stop her either. He came to the gate of the ranch and said to her:
"Want to ride a horse?"

"Horse riding?" He Xiaoyan's eyes lit up, as if she hadn't ridden a horse for many years.Daddy taught her when she was a child, "Okay." She happily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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