Chapter 357 Episode 1 (Baby, We Can't Lose)
She was slightly taken aback. Could it be that in the afternoon, does he have any activities?

All the way in the car, neither of them spoke.Byres grabbed her tender little hand and held it, she quietly did not resist, even if she didn't look, she could feel the eyes of Byres looking at her thoughtfully.

She bit her lip slightly, but remained silent.

Arrived at a private horse farm outside of Rome, this area was booked this afternoon, except for the people and staff of several big families, there were no other people.

Li Dana was riding a very strong brown horse, looking down at her.

He Xiaoyan looked at her horse, it was a good horse, and, seeing Li Dana's posture, she was very standard and familiar, could she be the crow's mouth, among the few powerful female jockeys in Europe, there was also Lidanna one!

"Xiaoyan, come here!"

Bai Leisi walked over from the side, He Xiaoyan looked back, hey, it is Bai Leisi's horse, it is that black and shiny horse with piercing eyes, and it is also a rare horse.

Did Byres want her to ride the horse?However, she is not yet familiar with the temperament of the horse, and it will be disadvantageous if she wants to control it, or even use it in a competition.

"Get on the horse."

Byres said to her, she froze for a moment, and got on the horse obediently.

Afterwards, Byres jumped on the horse and sat behind her.

Everyone made a surprised sound.

Byres skillfully grabbed the reins, came to the crowd, and said indifferently:
"There are no rules for the competition. Two people are not allowed to ride the same horse, right?"

"But, Byres, you are..."

Hogarth was so angry that his beard blew up, it was obvious that Bailes was indulging this Chinese girl.

"Daddy, it doesn't matter. The two of them ride a horse together. Doesn't it add to the burden on the horse? They can't beat me."

Li Dana said with cold eyes there, she is one of the best women's equestrian masters in Europe, even Bailes on weekdays is not much better than her.What's more, there is a woman sitting on his horseback, which will hinder his movement and speed even more.

"Byres, if you lose, you break up with this woman."

She said jealously, holding the rein in her hand, feeling a little nervous in her heart.Bailes is a man who is difficult to control, like a pool of ice, and like a shock wave, she thinks that there is no woman in the world who can control a man like him.

Byres raised his lips slightly, "Then it's settled."

He dropped a kiss on the soft black hair on the top of He Xiaoyan's head, "Baby, did you hear that? We can't lose."

(End of this chapter)

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