Chapter 365 Extra Episode 1 (You Go Away)

She felt a little sad suddenly, she was not indifferent to him, she knew how good he was to her, loved her, and doted on her.

She didn't know what to say, and she felt a kind of pain in her heart, which she had never experienced before.

"Xiaoyan, why don't you talk? Don't you like me? Don't you want to be with me?"

He hugged her tighter, and the strong smell of alcohol was getting closer.He lifted her soft chin to meet his bright eyes, she wanted to move away, but he held her tightly, turned her face, and kissed her soft lips.

The strong smell of alcohol contained his deep taste, seeped into her mouth, and she was slightly shocked in her heart.

"I have no idea."

She didn't know how much wine he drank until his usually calm and shrewd eyes became a little hazy and intoxicated.

From his tenderness at the beginning, he gradually became warm. Her soft red lips were like an irresistible demon. He immersed himself in it, sucking her unique fragrance intensely.

The body that had just been bathed exuded a faint bath liquid and her unique fragrance. He sniffed her fragrance with the tip of his nose and tasted her sweetness.

I don't know if it's because of alcohol or his kissing skills, but she is addicted to the net of fascination he spreads.

At some point, she flew into the air, and he hugged her and stepped into the bedroom.

When her body touched the soft quilt, her misty eyes opened slightly.Unknowingly when his hands had climbed onto his neck, Byres's green eyes were as soft as sea water, with a tenderness that couldn't be melted away.
"Don't worry, I said I'd be responsible, and, you know, I'd love to be."

Her submissiveness and her non-resistance made his enthusiasm uncontrollable. Perhaps, the strong alcohol also helped a little.

His kiss fell gently on her soft lips.

His hands, like the hands of a dexterous magician, slid across every inch of her body one by one, and the nightgown was taken off one by one, her baby-like tender skin was gradually revealed in the air.

He Xiaoyan's body felt cool, she gritted her teeth and wanted to push him away, but when she touched his hot chest, the beating heartbeat seemed to shake her.

She froze for a moment, his hand had already covered her full body, and he gently stroked it.

"Go away, you go away..."

She was flustered and ashamed in her heart, how could she have come to this point, she was confused just now, and was kissed by him again.

She was indulging in the love net he cast, and she didn't wake up until she touched the bedding.

She is as soft as a kitten.

Does this mean that, deep down in her heart, she really doesn't resist him, and even looks forward to him.

(End of this chapter)

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