Chapter 367 Extra Story 1 (Escape plan failed, miserable...)
Everyone in the cabin was shocked.

Unanimously looking at a tall and handsome European with green eyes, and staring angrily at the oriental woman with a beautiful and glamorous temperament, the woman's face turned pale.

Some people always feel familiar when they look at Bailes's face, and then they suddenly think of it... Ah, the young heir of the most powerful and wealthy family in Italy in the European Economics Special, entered the European Most Valuable Diamond Single Byres...

The girl almost screamed...

"Bares..." He Xiaoyan's voice trembled when she saw Byles, why is he here?

She thought for a moment, could it be that the delayed departure at the airport was due to him, and he found her, so he caught her.

Her heart seemed to stop until his strong hand reached out to her.

"Ah... let me go, let me go..."

He Xiaoyan never knew that she was so petite, and was "thrown" on the shoulders by the tall Bailes like an eagle catching a chick, and carried her out of the cabin.

"If you dare to sneak away again, I will never spare you!"

Byres slapped her upturned buttocks, and she felt a burst of pain, "Ouch——wow, scoundrel, hitting people...too much!..."

She burst into tears and felt aggrieved, but she didn't dare to cry loudly, yet he took her out of the plane and caught her from so many people's surprised eyes.

Her escape plan fell through, unfortunately...

"If you dare to cry again, I will kill you..."

Bailes shouted angrily, and he "throwed" He Xiaoyan into a stretched Rolls-Royce outside the airport without knowing tenderness.

Byres glared at her furiously, clutching his fists, wishing he could kill her, lest he act like a furnace man.Hearing that the servants said she had escaped, he went to the airport to arrest her himself, disregarding his identity and the strange stares of everyone, he had never done such a thing since he was a child.

He Xiaoyan was thrown so that her mind was sparkling, dizzy, wronged, and uncomfortable...

I saw his angry eyes again.

She shrank back and shrank into the corner of the carriage.

"come over!"

Byres suppressed the anger in his chest and said coldly.

"don't want……"

He Xiaoyan curled up in the corner, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, everything was fine at first, bought the ticket, sighed deeply in her heart, and waited for ten hours before returning home.

However, he was caught from the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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