Chapter 376 Extra Episode 1 (Boys Are So Miserable)
She was thinking angrily, but seeing Byres raised her head with cold green eyes, she swallowed the words of refusal again.

Hmph, anyway, when he's at school, he's not around, so he can't take care of her affairs.

"You can always ask me if you don't understand."

He lowered his head again and whispered.

"Oh." Speaking of this, He Xiaoyan was a little psychologically unbalanced. She was only a sophomore in high school, and Bailes was already a doctoral student in business administration at the University of Cambridge.

I heard that Bailes is a genius boy who graduated with a Ph.D. at the age of 19 and took over various businesses of the company two years ago.

Mr. Harley saw that he had a talent for management, and he had long since thrown a huge burden on the Lacey family to him when he was 19 years old.Then I went to meet friends all over the world with my wife.

In the past, I had friendships in business circles, political circles, and the royal families of various European countries, and I had long wanted to travel around.This time, taking advantage of this great opportunity to throw the heavy burden on my son, I haven't played around yet.

Bailes handles the business of the entire Leis family with ease, but due to historical problems, the development of the head of the four major families, the Leis family, has been hindered.

Byres ruthlessly killed the chaotic horses and cleaned up the remaining three major families. Now there is not enough left.

His son is much more powerful than he imagined. Is there a reason why people in Europe called him the "Emperor of the Night" not long after his debut?

Now the whole of Europe should be afraid of the three-pointer of the Leisi family, and even more of the three-pointer of Bailes.

He Xiaoyan glanced at Bailes who was reading carefully, and occasionally signed it.Then he picked up another copy, he seemed to be really busy, he was usually in the old house of Reis.He also often goes out, various meetings, business negotiations, and the huge four family businesses.

Black and white, he took care of everything. It seemed that her father was busier than before.Similar to brother Ye Che, brother Ye Che is also super busy.He has to manage the business of the huge multinational conglomerate Gong's enterprise, and he also has to take care of the "Mingying" affairs.

Hearing that Dad had something to do and wanted to hand over all the Gong family to Brother Ye Che's management, he felt dizzy all of a sudden.

It seems that Ye Che's brother can't hide for long. Seeing how his father and mother have been traveling around in recent years, this burden will soon fall on his head.

She secretly laughed, so ah, it's better to be a girl.

As long as you study hard and fall in love, you don't need to worry about business, Ye Che secretly told her that he didn't know how much he envied her!
(End of this chapter)

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