Chapter 378 Extra Episode 1 (Contest)
Fortunately, Byres knew how to control the aura, and his handsome face said calmly:

"Yes, Xiaoyan and I have already got engaged in Italy. I believe that the bride price from our Reis family has already been delivered to the family. Sorry, I only come to apologize to you now."

Gong Jingchen and Qiu Linger's expressions finally softened, the future son-in-law spoke politely, Xiaoyan fell in love with someone abroad for some reason, and got engaged again.

Fortunately, it's just an engagement. If it's a marriage, it's unforgivable.

How could it be possible to get married without discussing with the parents, otherwise the Gong family would have married Liang Zi of the Leisi family, they did not agree to get married!

But this future son-in-law looks very talented, tall, handsome, and the "Race family" sounds familiar to them!
No wonder, a lot of very expensive famous paintings from various countries, porcelain, and all kinds of treasures were sent to the family today. There are several large boxes, which is really extravagant.

According to people who came, the other party was sent by the Reis family.They also wondered that they didn't know anyone from the Lace family at all, so they sent it by mistake.

But the person who came put down his things and left immediately, leaving them at a loss.

Ye Che looked at the indifferent Bailes coldly, and calculated in his mind the weight of this European "Emperor of the Night".

He narrowed his black pupils slightly. Nick was forcibly sent back from Europe, so he hurriedly told him the news.Nick didn't dare to hide such big news from him, Xiaoyan was taken away by Bailes.

Ye Che was afraid that his parents would be worried, so he didn't dare to disclose it, and because the matter was urgent, he hurriedly investigated and found out that Bailes was the current leader of the largest family in Italy, the Reis family.

And Bailes still has a very large underworld force in Europe. Every time he sends people to intervene in the investigation, he is immediately blocked by a powerful force.

As a result, he has been unable to investigate the whereabouts of his sister. However, I heard that there is often a cold, beautiful and temperamental oriental woman next to Byres.

Moreover, Byres dotes on this woman very much.

When he found out that the oriental woman was He Xiaoyan, he heard that He Xiaoyan and Bai Leisi were engaged and planned to return to China.

Then he had no choice but to wait here and take a good look at what kind of character this man who captured his sister's heart was.

Looking at it now, his green eyes, as indifferent as sea water, flashed a gleam that should not be underestimated, making people dare not underestimate them easily.

The big man "Emperor of the Night" in the European underworld is not a person to be provoked, but it takes such a man to control the eldest daughter of the He family, He Xiao, who has the dual influence of the Asian "Black Emperor" and "Underworld". Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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