Chapter 395 Episode 1 (To accompany you this morning)

"Hmph! Don't be responsible, just don't be responsible." She put aside her head, why bully others, just say "responsible".

In the future, whichever boy likes which girl, just say "I'm responsible", and then fall down~... Then the world will be less chaotic, and she can go to whom to complain about her grievances!

"I said, you will be mine for the rest of your life, don't try to pretend to be another man in your head. From now on, you are not allowed to talk alone with boys, and you are not allowed to hang out with boys..."

He straightened her pretty face, facing his threatening green eyes, and said seriously.

"Hey, you are overbearing."

He Xiaoyan waved his hand away, it was barely acceptable not to go out to play with boys alone, but not to go out together, and not allowed to talk to boys alone... Isn't this too much?
There are usually a large group of people going out together in the program, there are men and women; there are also questions that she doesn't understand, and she will ask her seniors alone!How can there be such a domineering ah.

She pushed him away and remembered, fortunately there is no class today, otherwise the sun would have risen so high...

Thinking of this, it's all caused by this guy. After being tired all night, she doesn't know how to control herself, and she doesn't know why she has so much energy...

Somehow, she stepped on the sheet under her feet, "Oh—" she fell down, and fell right into Byres' chest.

He hugged her, and the quilt on her body fell off with a clatter.

The corner of her mouth is twitching. ……exposure. .

"I have put hot water for you, it will make you feel better after soaking in it."

Byres didn't really care if she was exposed or not, her face was swollen like a frog, she wasn't attractive at all... Depressed, don't "eat" last night...

In the bathroom, she pulled a large towel from the side to wrap herself, grabbed the collar of Baires's robe and asked:

"Aren't you going back today?"

"I'll go back in the afternoon and stay with you this morning."

He bowed his head, kissed her hair on the temples, and said softly.

"Okay then, you go out first."

He Xiaoyan angrily "threw" him out, Bailes didn't object this time in order to be considerate to her, she finally pushed him out smoothly and closed the door.

The bath was filled with hot water, and the transparent zenith was also closed, turning into a pure white zenith, with a faint light emitting from the ceiling.

She took off her robe and soaked in the water. Her tired body seemed to feel a little better in the hot water.

(End of this chapter)

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