Chapter 401 Part 1
"Really? You want to take me skiing." He Xiaoyan asked excitedly, grabbing his arm.

"If you want to ski, of course you have to come to the best place." He laughed.

"Byres, you are amazing!"

He Xiaoyan happily stepped forward to hug him, and kissed him on the lips.Finally she understood her disappointment, not being able to go skiing with her friends, how depressed she was.

With all the equipment ready, we arrived at the huge ski resort.Unexpectedly, Bailes's skiing skills are really superb. From the high snow mountain, he slid all the way down, and even flipped a few tricks in the air, which is really thrilling and exciting to watch!

Many local Swiss girls and some beauties from foreign tourists stared at him in amazement and admiration, talking about where the handsome guy came from, and a few couldn't help but want to fish.

He Xiaoyan pouted her lips, but there was a hint of sweetness in her heart.Because the man they like belongs to her.

Her skiing skills are also good, and her skills are very familiar. Many men on the ski resort are inferior to her.

She slid all the way down the snow-capped mountain and tumbling in the air in several big spins, everyone was amazed!
But Baires tightened his heart, he clenched his fists tightly, his green eyes were burning, this little girl didn't listen to him, and wanted to slide down the big snowy ridge he had jumped just now.There was a snow vortex there, which was very difficult to pass, and it took him a lot of effort.

However, it was too late for him to stop, the white body had already slid down the snowy ridge, and his heart was hanging on his throat.

At this time, the petite white figure was tumbling from the air, with a very beautiful posture, but suddenly a big snowball rolled down from the snow mountain.

When she landed, the snowball fell to her side, and she lost her balance and fell down.


With a yell, Byres rushed over with a shattered liver and gallbladder, throwing away all the ski equipment, and crazily rushed to the side of the little white figure that fell.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, are you okay?"

Bailes hugged her tightly, panicked to the extreme, she frowned tightly, obviously in pain.

He panicked even more. If anything happened to her, he would definitely go crazy!
Why can't this poor woman be obedient and insist on breaking into that snow mountain? He really wants to grab her and beat her ass hard.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L K K L L I KEEP Wrestling..."

He Xiaoyan felt pain and anger when she was hugged by Bailes. Since she was a few years old, she couldn't fall while skiing, but she fell today. If Brother Ye Che saw it, he would definitely laugh at her.snort!She is also a good skier in China.

(End of this chapter)

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