Chapter 405 Episode 1 (We Get Married)
He Xiaoyan bit her lip and looked at Bailes' eyes, his eyes were cold, and the two faced each other.

He is serious.Oops!It appeared that she was chained to Italy.

It seems that we have to go to Italy first, she can't jump off the plane... Now it's not a skydiving game.

She was quickly caught by Bailes and placed in his lap, she huddled in Bailes' arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat.

"Actually, it's all my fault." He Xiaoyan was stunned, raised her head, and Bailes looked at her seriously and said, "If I didn't want you so urgently, you wouldn't... I'm a little flustered. You left You are so far away from me, I am far away in Italy, and I am not by your side at all, you are young and beautiful, there must be many boys pursuing you. I want to get you so eagerly because I am afraid."

He Xiaoyan was startled, and stared at Bailes without blinking. He just said... he was afraid?
He stared deeply at her with green eyes that were as deep as sea water and said:
"I'm sorry. But now that you have my child, I'm surprised and happy. Maybe I haven't taken protective measures all this time. It's also because I also look forward to our relationship going further, and for me to be more Take control of our future."

He held her tender pretty face lightly and said, "Xiaoyan, let's face this problem, shall we? I want this child, and I want you too, so let's get married. I will get the baby in Europe within two months." With the control of the economic zone, I can propose marriage to your father."

He stared at her affectionately, and He Xiaoyan's eyes became hot.

"I will consider."

She leaned on his generous chest, he wanted her to seriously consider this issue, although she didn't want to have a child so early, and she still wanted to continue her studies.However, since their baby has arrived, she has no reason to avoid this question. As he said, it can be done after school.

He is the only son, and Baires' huge family is also waiting for the arrival of this child.

For the first time, she saw the problem with fresh eyes.

She looked up at Byrez, and Byrez looked at her, and in his eyes, she saw sincerity.

She put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, "I promise you."

The light radiating from Bailes' eyes is brighter and brighter than the crape myrtle star in the starry night.

When they returned to Italy in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harley were already waiting for them at the gate of the old house.

(End of this chapter)

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