Chapter 419 Episode 1 (A lot of saliva)

Because of her pregnancy, He Xiaoyan's college entrance examination was also suspended.Because the third year of high school was too busy with her studies, and she was so nervous, He Feitian and Hei Lang didn't agree with her to study at all.

But He Xiaoyan went to study secretly, reviewing her homework at night, overcoming mental effort to study.

A few months later, she was admitted to the university, and showed the foreign university admission certificate to Daddy and Hei Lang with a smile.

The two were stunned, and had no choice but to follow her heart.

At this time, He Xiaoyan gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, the elder sister was named Xiao Tan, and the younger brother was named Xiao Dian.

Three years later.

"Xiao Chen, you are disobedient again, why do you always bully my brother!"

When He Xiaoyan came back from school, she glanced at the pink jade carvings, and said Xiao Tan, a beautiful three-year-old girl with green jade eyes.

"No, Mommy, he just kissed my younger brother. He said he wouldn't give me a kiss, but I insisted on kissing him. His name is Wow, what a nuisance!"

Xiao Li grimaced at his younger brother who was beside him, and his younger brother Xiao Dian wiped his handsome face, then crossed his arms coolly and said:
"Anyone can kiss, except Mommy and Grandpa, no one is allowed to kiss!"

"I insist on kissing, what do you want, kiss now!"

Xiao Chun grinned and jumped towards her younger brother...

Lightning flash!

Sweat~, how can there be such a sister, like a wolf like a tiger...

He knew he was handsome. Everyone here said he was handsome, with a straight nose, handsome appearance, and a pair of beautiful green eyes like sea water.The little girls here screamed when they saw him, he was super depressed, he was a handsome guy, he was in so much trouble, even the old lady wouldn't let him go...

"Stinky little Dian, why are you pretending to be cool, you won't die if you get kissed by the old lady!"

Xiao Chen also crossed Xiaoman's waist handsomely. She is the elder sister, and the younger brother must obey her of course.Mommy, kissing means dear, so you should kiss occasionally...

"Sister..." Xiao Dian rolled his eyes and vomited to death. Why was he born a few minutes late, and he became a younger brother.How much he wants to be a big brother so that he can bully his sister...

He quickly shifted his target, ran over to take Mommy's bag with a smile on his face, and said:
"Mommy, is get out of class over yet?"

"Yeah, in order to support you two little devil kings, what can I do if I don't try my best?! I have classes and part-time jobs. I'm easy!"

He Xiaoyan tossed her coat on the sofa, then picked up the fat and fluffy little electrician,

"Come on, let Mommy kiss you."

Xiao Dian couldn't flash even if he wanted to, and was kissed by Mommy, his face was full of saliva, wipe it off!

He Xiaoyan smiled and looked at the handsome Xiao Dian, because she was too handsome and cool, so she liked to tease him.

She looked at her sister Xiaoli again, seeing that something was wrong, she also wanted to run away, but He Xiaoyan snatched her from her waist and kissed her.

These two pink and tender little guys have fair and soft skin, so they are so playful.Her beautiful eyes are shining brightly, she loves these two little things so much.At first, she was very angry that when these two little things were born, it caused her such pain, but now she has earned it back.With these two little things to play, who would play online games, no taste!

"Mum, you are too evil, you laugh like that..."

Xiao Tan was sweating, why did she find Mommy's smile so hateful.

There's a lot of saliva on her face, wipe it!
(End of this chapter)

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