Chapter 426 Extra Story 1 (I Only Like You)
"Xiaoyan, please believe me, I only like you as a woman. In the past three years, I have been looking for you. I have been looking for you everywhere, all over the world, especially in Asia, and I have many in every country. Man, I expanded my business like crazy just to have local connections so I could find you."

Holding her sad and tearful beauty, he said in a low voice: "I know you must ask your family to hide you and prevent me from finding you. You are so smart that I have tried my best to find you, but I can't find you." You. Do you want my heart to die of pain? You heartless little girl, I will really catch you and give you a spanking so that you can be obedient and just stay by my side. "

From the hazy eyes, He Xiaoyan saw his affectionate green eyes, which were still the same as before, perhaps, because of the pain, they were deeper, deeper, and more unforgettable.

Back then he loved her so much, pampered her, and treated her like a princess who would melt in his mouth, but he knocked her down from the happy paradise again.

She gritted her teeth and regained her composure. She turned sideways, wiped away her tears, and said softly:

"No matter what happened to us before, we are just engaged, and I want to call off the engagement."

Byres froze in place with a start, and she wrenched herself free from his arms.

Her eyes were cold, with the confidence and pride of a woman, she said ruthlessly:

"I will give you back everything you gave me."

She gritted her teeth, turned her face away and ran out, pressed the elevator, and the elevator door closed smoothly.

When she got downstairs, she got into her sports car and drove home.

In the afternoon, she didn't go to work or class, so she lay down in the room and cried.In the evening, she came to the study and took out a small jewelry box from the drawer.

Open it, and there is a very expensive diamond ring inside, which was put on her finger by Bailes who proposed to her in a western restaurant.

She held it in the palm of her hand, and the pain in her heart slowly spread out. It turned out that after all these years, she still couldn't forget him.

From the initial acquaintance and rescue to the later getting along, he doted on her and loved her, and her heart fell little by little.

However, she can't bear the pain of betrayal, if she loves someone and betrays her at the same time.

Then, she might as well not want this kind of love!

Tears fell from the eyes and fell on the bright diamond heart.

That heart, with the light of tears, even more intoxicating light.

(End of this chapter)

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