Chapter 430 Episode 1 (Overbearing Dance)
There are also fine silver lights sprinkled by helicopters, and the scattered silver lights merge into several patterns in the air.

All are heart-shaped LOVE, and her English abbreviation.

Countless fireworks spewed out from the sky, constantly blooming in the sky.The fine fireworks sprinkled from the sky are like silver-white snowflakes sprinkled on the earth.

Her heart trembled, could it be a coincidence?
It was a familiar scene, a creative gift from Byrez on her birthday three years ago.

At this time, the dance music of the ball started.

Bo Lan walked over from inside, smiled and said:

"Today is too busy. I have invited the chairman and president of many large multinational companies at home and abroad, and the most mysterious president of the Italian Nord company is also invited. What a surprise!"

He Xiaoyan was slightly startled, looking at Bai Lan's cheerful smile, he had no idea that the behind-the-scenes boss of the Italian Nord Company - the president was her former fiancé, Bailes.

"Such a beautiful firework, the cost must be worth the price, who is so generous to make such a romantic scene!"

Bo Lan looked at the sky and admired in admiration. In his romantic imagination, if the man used this scene, the girl would definitely fall in love with him.

"Isn't the dance starting? Let's go in."

He Xiaoyan suddenly wanted to escape, she pulled Bo Lan away, and stopped looking at the romantic light behind her.

"If you don't mind, may I ask Miss Dany to dance?"

A magnetic voice sounded in the ears of the two of them, and a golden light shot over. Byres had blond hair and drooping ears, and his green eyes were as jasper as sea water. Xiaoyan asked gracefully.

"Yes...Mr. Byres, but I..."

Bo Lan was startled. It turned out to be Mr. Bailes, the president of Nord Corporation. He heard that Bailes was such a young man who controlled the entire European economic region.

He is calm, and steady, when Bolan saw him just now, it was as if his cold and powerful aura frightened him.

Even, all the women at the banquet stared at him in amazement and admiration.

"No!" He Xiaoyan calmed down her confusion, and said coldly, "Mr. Bo Lan has already invited me, and I also agreed."

"Then the next one."

Bailes lifted his beautiful lips, held He Xiaoyan's hand in a somewhat domineering manner, and got off the dance floor.

(End of this chapter)

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