Chapter 436 Extra Story 1 (Gentle as Water)
Bai Leisi's eyes are as gentle as water, he will double compensate her in the future, and from now on, it will be the responsibility of the two of them.

Bailes then put the two little guys down, and everyone went to a nearby supermarket and bought some vegetables.Byres personally cooked a Chinese meal.

"Wow! Daddy is amazing, it looks delicious!"

Xiao Li and Xiao Dian rushed to the dining room excitedly, looked at the sumptuous dishes of that meal, and then gave Mommy a super disdainful look. Mommy has been cooking a dish for a long time, and it is super unpalatable!
He Xiaoyan stared back at the two little guys, if you are good, you won't be able to cook by yourself, she can only cook two or three dishes, so what if they don't taste good!

How dare you dislike her, two stinky and heartless brats.Do you know how hard she worked to raise them, hum!
"Mum, come and eat! Come, come."

The two little guys saw that their mother's complexion was not good, they looked at each other, and ran over with a smile to pull Mommy over.

He Xiaoyan angrily knocked on the chestnuts of these two little guys, she knew to eat, and if she wanted to eat, she dragged them over, she didn't know!

Then everyone sat down obediently, on a square dining table, just right.

"Yeah, it's delicious..." The two little guys couldn't stop grilling rice and eating vegetables. It's been a long time since they ate Chinese food, and they were so well cooked.

"Then eat more."

Bailes brought food for the three of them with a smile. He Xiaoyan, Xiao Dan and Xiao Dian even wiped the food crumbs on Xiao Dian Dudu's face with a napkin while smiling.

"Daddy, can you teach us sword skills and marksmanship? I heard from Uncle Kirk that Daddy's sword skills and marksmanship are amazing!"

Xiao Dian raised his head at this moment, asking with bright green eyes.

He Xiaoyan's mind was straight, these two brats are so old, they just want to play with that!

It was because the black wolf taught them bad and spoiled them, and taught them bows and arrows just like that.Now I want to learn sword skills and marksmanship, what if I get hurt?However, she thought about it, she also started learning guns when she was four years old, which is not too early.

Bailes looked at He Xiaoyan with a smile, then said to the two little guys with a smile:
"Okay, I will teach you when you are older."


Xiao Tan and Xiao Dian happily clapped their little hands and shouted, "Long live Daddy!"

In the small apartment, the sound of laughter spread throughout the house.

He Xiaoyan and Bailes plan to return to Italy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley in Italy are actively preparing for the wedding.

They are also very eager to see their future daughter-in-law and two wonderful grandchildren.

(End of this chapter)

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