Chapter 438 Extra Story 1 (Successfully Ended Chapter)

Bailes is also wearing a pure white European-style long suit, which is embroidered with exquisite patterns with gold and silver threads. He is tall and tall, with sharp corners and a handsome face. The pure white dress makes him look very handsome .

His sea-like green eyes were shining brightly, and he gazed affectionately and tenderly at the bride who was walking towards him.

He took her slender white-gloved hand from her father and came before the priest.

Before the holy Jesus, make a sincere oath.

"Mr. Byres, are you willing to marry Miss He Xiaoyan as your wife, whether you will respect her, help her, care for her, and love her with all your heart no matter whether you are happy or poor, rich or poor, good or bad, healthy or sick in the future? "

The priest asked him solemnly.

Bailes looked at the beautiful He Xiaoyan and replied without hesitation:
"Yes I do."

Byres turned his head and stared at the bride beside him, looking forward to her next answer, which would be tightly tied to his life.

"Miss He Xiaoyan, are you willing to marry Mr. Bailes as a wife, whether you are happy or poor, rich or poor, good or bad, healthy or sick, will you respect him, help him, care for him, and love him wholeheartedly? "

When the priest's powerful and deep voice echoed in her ears, He Xiaoyan also turned to look at Bailes who was watching affectionately.

Under He Xiaoyan's snow-white wedding dress, there seemed to be a dazzling white light, as pure as velvet, and glamorous with oriental charm.

Byres' heart was beating wildly, and he was inexplicably agitated.

"Yes I do."

He Xiaoyan replied firmly and earnestly, she looked at Bailes with a pleasantly surprised and enthusiastic light in her green eyes.

"In the name of the Holy Father I declare you married, and now the groom may kiss the bride."

Bailes lifted up the pure white veil, stared at her beautiful face, he was emotional, and gently kissed her soft cherry lips.The delicate and long kiss revealed the affection in his heart, and He Xiaoyan kissed him back passionately.

"Xiaoyan, I love you."

Byres stared at her deeply and said.

"I love you too."

He Xiaoyan also put her arms around Bailes' neck and stared at him, her heart was filled with love and happiness, and the sweetness in her heart was so thick that it couldn't be melted away.

Everyone in the full auditorium witnessed their love, colorful ribbons were scattered in the air, and fresh and sweet flower petals were floating in the air.


one year later.

"It's not good, President, Madam is gone!"

Kirk rushed to the president's office and said in a flustered manner that his wife was so bored every day, and the president was busy recently, so he didn't know where he went to play again.

Byres calmly stopped reading, raised his head, and asked with green eyes twinkling:

"Where did you go this time? Miss and Master?"

Kirk wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "When I went to country G, Miss and Master disappeared together."

Byres put down the document in his hand and said calmly:

"Prepare the helicopter immediately, and I will pick up my wife."

"Yes, President."

In European country G, Selan Street is still full of people, with people of all colors and eyes crowded together.

In the annual grand female slave trade venue, the ordinary hall, bright lights, crowded venue with thousands of people.

Among the crowd of black crows, two four-year-old twins, Xiao Chan and Xiao Dian, were eating snacks in the corner.

"Mum, are you too playful? But it's fun, and I really want to play too."

Xiao Chen stared at the stage with a gloomy and excited face and said, Xiao Dian is sweating ~, isn't it! !Xiaoqian has inherited Mommy's playfulness!

But, Mommy, you are so beautiful~~~~~ Xiao Dian said with bright eyes.


"$25, $35, $50..."

The venue went crazy because, on the stage, a woman covered with a pure white veil, with clear and mysterious obsidian colored contact lenses, lay lazily reclining on the soft couch, half-closed her eyes, under the shimmering light, Enchanting as a goddess floating on the sea.

Everyone on the field became a sensation.

In this grand venue, only five years ago, the sensational "Slave Girls at Sky-high Price" sale was still engraved in people's hearts.

The current one is no less than the misty and intoxicating "slave girl" back then.

The price continued to soar, and the heat of the entire venue suddenly boiled up.

"$70, $100 million, $300 million, $500 million..."

"1000 million U.S. dollars." A European rich man called out the highest price.

The audience erupted.

At this time, the door opened in front of a tall and handsome man.

Golden hair, green eyes as cold as sea water, fixedly staring at the enchanting and beautiful woman on the neon stage.

He stepped on his slender legs and walked inside. When everyone in the venue saw him, they all gave him a piece.

The heat of the venue continues to rise.



He hears no sound,

"100 billion."

He has come to the venue, in front of the beautiful woman.His green eyes were bright and green, and he stared at the woman who was looking at him with diamonds shining in her eyes.

" are priceless."

Byres stepped forward and hugged her, staring at her tenderly and smilingly.

He Xiaoyan stuck out her tongue, and hugged her husband. Under the shining light, those green eyes as deep as sea water were so affectionate and doting.

"Is it true?" She smiled contentedly and took the initiative to send her a sweet kiss.

The two passionately kissed, so that the heat in the audience didn't drop, but heated up even more...

(End of episode 1)

Ye’s words: Fanwai 1 is finally over, haha, dear friends, you have been waiting for a long time, otherwise, Ye has been waiting for a long time. .

Our Bailes is a calm, steady, affectionate man, and our Xiaoyan is very lucky.So, in the future, when you see a good man like this, you must settle down first, and hold his hand to be "responsible", haha! ~~~~
The following chapters of He Feitian and Qiu Linger's next world will not be too long, and will be completed before the end of the month.In addition, the story of Ye Che and Guan Tong will not be written, so you don’t have to remember it, anyway, Ye Che is right with Guan Tong, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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