Chapter 441 Extra Story 2 (Too Arrogant)
"You..." Third Senior Brother Feng Xing was so polite!
He knew that this Nangong Binglie was very powerful, and he had heard of his glory abroad two years ago!One of the most powerful figures in Asia, judo, taekwondo, kendo... all kinds of skills are all-round super masters!
Even the senior brother Han Chanfeng and the second senior brother Han Zhan didn't know if they were his opponents!
Today, he came to kick the hall while the senior and second senior brothers were away!The situation is not good!
"Nangong Binglie, do you really want to kick the hall?"

The judo gym cannot shrink back when someone kicks the gym. Even if there are no senior and second senior brothers around, as the third senior brother of everyone, he can't pretend to shrink back.

"Don't you think I came to play when I got off the plane?"

Nangong Binglie hooked his lips again, and his obsidian eyes slid across Han Yuanling as if nothing, and his beautiful lips curled into an arc.

Han Yuanling was mad at this moment!It's really shameless that she even picked the eldest brother and second brother to come to the gym when they were not around. Now, she doesn't care whether she has seen him or not. In short, the bond between them has grown!
After a while, the third senior brother challenged him. Nangong Binglie didn't wear the traditional judo uniform at all. He just took off his black coat and threw it aside. Wearing a simple shirt, he easily pulled the third senior brother Feng Xingke away. fell to the ground.

Feng Xingke and him fought dozens of tricks in a row, but they couldn't gain the upper hand at all, and they lost badly.

Then a very powerful senior brother also stepped forward to fight Nangong Binglie, this time it was faster and lost in 2 minutes.

This was broken, none of the group of seniors dared to do anything, Han Yuanling gritted his teeth, wishing to strip off the clothes of that Nangong Binglie who was standing there relaxedly, and then tied him outside to flog his corpse.

Imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.Seeing that no one dared to come up, Nangong Binglie hooked his slender fingers towards Han Yuanling and raised his thin lips, signaling her to come up.

Han Yuan couldn't get enough aura, so he got up suddenly.The senior brother next to her pulled her and said:

"Xiao Linzi, you are not his opponent, you sit down."

"I'm not convinced! He,'s just...too arrogant!"

Her beautiful eyes were full of anger, he was obviously provoking her openly, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her not to go!
Depend on!The signboard of their Han family will be demolished by this unknown guy!It's no wonder she's mad!
She shook off her senior brother's hand, walked up without hesitation, and came to Nangong Binglie with shining eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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