Chapter 444 Extra Story 2 (Smelly Car)
"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'm full, I'm off to school!"

After Han Yuanling was full, he put the napkin on the dining table, picked up his backpack, and ran out the door.

There was a bus stop not far from the house, and she waited for 5 minutes before the bus came.

She got in the car and arrived at the school in about ten minutes.

The whole day today, she was so miserable that she got distracted in class and was asked to answer questions by name.

She couldn't answer for a long time, so she was punished to stand.

Under the strange eyes of the students, he walked outside the classroom and stood for punishment.

She is so embarrassing, so embarrassing, she is the top ten students in the class.Usually there is nothing she can't answer, maybe it made her too angry yesterday, she was gnashing her teeth there as soon as class started, so she was a little distracted.

Then during the break, a senior confessed to her with a small pink envelope.

At this time, she did not politely refuse as usual.

Instead, I asked a lot, "Senior, do you know judo, taekwondo, or other martial arts, or marksmanship?"

She grabbed the senior's wrist and asked.

The senior was frightened by her for a long time, Han Yuanling tilted his head when he saw him like this, it seemed impossible!It's hard to find a "flower protector" to protect her!

"Senior, I'm sorry, I'm not suitable for you."

It's nerve-wracking, if you can't find someone who is stronger than your elder brother and second brother, how can you defeat some messy disciples!
"Sister, I, I... know how to learn, learn everything! Give me a chance, I have... secretly fallen in love with you for a long time."

The senior said with a blushing face.

Han Yuanling glanced at him, learned everything, and had to be proficient, it would take at least ten years, she couldn't wait for him for so long.

At that time, she didn't know what was going on with her.

"Senior, I can't wait for you anymore, you will definitely find a girl ten times better than me in the future. Goodbye, senior."

Han Yuanling waved goodbye without hesitation, God, she must have a strong person by her side!Tangle, Tangle...! !

Today was the happiest day, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, kicking a small stone with her angrily kicked her legs, and flew straight to the front window of a Cadillac outside the school.

With a sound of "frame", a small piece was scratched, and it was dead. I don't know how much this brand new Cadillac sedan is the latest model this year!

Does she have to pay a lot!
Really XX!Who is such a stinky fart, sitting in such an expensive car and messing around here!

(End of this chapter)

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